He has a girlfriend - Part 2

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You are absolutely miserable. You’re tired and jet-lagged and Calum’s bitch of a girlfriend is making all of you go to a club. You’re sober, and everyone’s drunk. Especially Calum and Michael. Before you know it, Michael spins you towards him and kisses you. Just as suddenly, he’s ripped off of you. “Hey stay away from my girlfriend!” Calum shouts. “Excuse me?” His actual girlfriend snaps. “Ugh, we’re so over.” Then she walks away. Michael turns to you and gives you a wink, making you confused. Then Cal walks up to you. “What was that?” You ask, breathing heavily at all that just happened over the past minute. “I like you!” He blurts. “And I’m sorry I didn’t realize it sooner and I’m sorry if this ruins our friendship-” You place a finger on his lips until he drunkenly stammers to a stop. “Are you sure?” You have to check. “Fucking positive.” And then he smiles. “I like you too.” You smile brightly.


(His POV) “What the hell was that?” I snap at my girlfriend. “She needed to be put in her place.” She huffs. I exhale sharply. “We’re over.” “Whatever, you’re a loser anyway.” With a scoff, I run away from her and to go over and find Y/N. I find you behind a tree. “Y/N! I found you!” “I can’t talk to you anymore, Luke.” You wipes at your tears, causing my heart to hurt. I kneel down next to you. “No, th-that’s not true. I dumped her. I heard what she said. That was so not okay. You’re beautiful and you’re not a waste of space.” I push your hair behind your ear, and then you press your lips to mine. We kiss, and sparks shock my entire body. You pull away quickly. “I’m so sorry.” “Don’t be.” And this time, I kiss her.


You haven’t talked to Ashton in weeks. And life is getting kinda gray. But you don’t care. He doesn’t want to see you anymore. Therefore, you don’t want to see him. Ugh, who are you kidding? You miss him like crazy. But he definitely doesn’t want to see you. You’re eating ice cream and watching a stupid rom-com when the door is being pounded on. Confused, you walk to the front door and open it to see Ashton. “Don’t you have a girlfriend that you’d rather be seeing?” “No. I broke up with her. I never should’ve listened to her, Y/N.” “Yeah, you shouldn’t have. Seriously, what the fuck, Ash?” “I know, and I’m sorry. I’m an idiot! I should’ve realized how I felt about you before.” “Wait, what?” “I’m crazy about you. When I couldn’t talk to you, it was like this totally amazing part of me was missing and I was miserable. So I dumped her but then I couldn’t get the balls to talk to you until now. I’m so sorry.” “Ash.” You stop him. “What?” “Shut up and kiss me.”


You’re suddenly pushed off of Michael. “What the fuck, you stupid slut!” “It was spin the bottle and we’re drunk!” You try to explain, sobering up. You and Mike’s girlfriend stand toe-to-toe “Oh, please! Everyone knows you have that stupid crush on my boyfriend.” “Knock it off, it was just spin the bottle.” Michael stands in between you two, holding a hand out to protect you from her wrath. “Whatever, Michael, I don’t need this shit I’ve been fucking Brady behind your back!” Mike laughs. “Whatever, bitch.” His now-ex girlfriend stomps her foot and runs off. “Sorry about that.” You mutter as Michael leads you away from prying eyes to the kitchen. “Not your fault. Besides she was annoying. And I like someone else.” He gives this pondering look, but since you’re drunk you need to be sure. “Could that someone be me?” Mikey shakes his head, laughing. “Yes, Y/N. That person is you.” You kiss for a bit, but then you’re confused. “Wait, you don’t taste like alcohol.” He gives you a cocky smirk. “Who said I was drunk?”“

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