They find out you self-harm

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WARNING: I know this may trigger some memories or bad thoughts etc, but I just want to let you know that I am always here if you need someone to talk to. My inbox is always open  <3 i love you all


Today you had given up. All the direct hate on twitter was getting to head and messing with every thought process. You stormed into the bathroom and opened the second drawer on the right side from the bottom. Three shiny blades glimmered under the harsh lighting. This is it. One, two, three lines became red. The pain felt like heaven from above. “(Y/N) WHAT ARE YOU DOING?” “Ashton how long have you’ve been standing there.” You darted up and out of the bathroom leaving the thin piece of metal lying where you were. Ashton came over seconds later with a warm wet washcloth and pressed it to your left wrist. “Why?” “Well Ashton your fans hate me. I figured that if they wanted me dead, might as well try to make their wishes come true.” “Never think that. I love you. The fans love you. They are our family and families love each other. Here, let’s go get you washed up.” He took your hand and dragged you to the bathroom. “Why don’t we get you some help about this too?” Ashton asked glancing up. “Okay.”


FAT DUMBASS LOSER UGLY These words were commented on every selfie you have ever took. Instagram was a great site for haters to react on. “Maybe they are right.” You undressed and looked in the mirror. Pinching skin, you cried a little. Your nails were finally long enough. You took edge and dug it into your skin along your stomach. Little red scars already covered the area. Scratching was an unnoticeable way to self-harm. You knew Luke wouldn’t see or care. You kept at it going faster and harder creating more pain each time you sliced the cells. “Hey (Y/N) I’m home.” You didn’t hear the sound over your own sniffling. “Luke help me.” Your voice trailed off as you broke down. You cried yourself to sleep in Luke’s arm. When you woke up, Luke held you crying himself. “I promise that I will help you overcome this. A girl like you doesn’t deserve this.” He wept some more into your neck. “I’m sorry Luke. I love you.” “I love you too (Y/N).”


“Calum can you buy me another pack of paper clips please.” “Yah of course darling.” Over the phone Calum couldn’t see what you were doing. The end of the paper clip was on top of the lighter becoming warmer instantly. You put the flame out and took the end and jabbed it into your thigh. The pain never lasted too long. But the short shock was beautiful and perfect. It was powerful, but you were in control. You would win this fight. A garage door closed next to you and Calum stepped through the door. You saw him standing there on the edge on the kitchen watching you harm yourself. “Calum let me explain.” “No need to. I don’t need to know. I just want you better okay. Now lets go find some help shall we.” “No let me explain.” “On the way to help please.” You waited one second before agreeing and walking to the car. Calum started to back out of he driveway, motioning the story I start. “Well it all started July 2013. I was finished with life. And it’s been downhill since. I only wish—-” The story continued as Calum found a therapist for the mentally unstable across from a hospital.


You had been clean for about a week now. This hasn’t happened in a while so you decided it was worth celebrating. You bought some frozen yogurt to eat as a desert for yourself. Michael was at home playing FIFA with Luke when you arrived. Michael was cursing up a storm about losing. “Hey (Y/N) what did you buy for desert?” “I got us frozen yogurt!” You smiled at the reward you had. “Have you been trying to lose weight lately (Y/N)?” “No I just thought this sounded good.” They shook it off, but the comment they made was stuck to you. Were they suggesting that you needed to lose weight? “I’ll be right back.” You ran up to your room finding the pointiest thing in sight. A star trophy from elementary school was an option. You took a point and repeatedly pierced it into your skin as harshly as possible. After a bruise started forming you moved to another spot. Your left arm was now blue and purple. One week clean ruined because of you of boyfriend. “(Y/N) are you okay I heard something drop?” Michael stepped in to see your arm. “Oh my god. Luke call an ambulance!” He shouted frantically. “Michael please no stop.” You screamed with everything you had as the bright lights drove to your house. The paramedics took you away from everything but Michael. He followed along. “Why do you do this (Y/N)? Was it something I said?” “You called me fat.” “No I was just saying that you didn’t need to go on a diet because you are already beautiful and you don’t need to lose anything. I love you.” “Im sorry Michael. I’m trying to break free.” “I’ve got you. You can do this. I’ll be here every step of the way.”

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