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"Y/N. Y/N. Y/N. Y/N." "What?" You playfully snap, taking your shades off to find your boyfriend standing in front of you. "Come swim in the ocean with me." He whines. You shake your head, "Nope. Tanning." "You know you’re getting in that water, right?" He leans in close, giving you his mischievous look. "Not now." "I think you just challenged me." "What? No-" You’re cut off by him scooping you out of your beach chair and carrying you into the ocean, with you cursing him out. He then tosses you when the water reaches his mid-thigh. Once you emerge, you give him your mischievous look. "Oh, you’re dead."


“Luke! Stop PDA-ing with Y/N and play Marco Polo with us!” Ashton calls as you all swim around in a hotel pool. Well, the other boys were swimming and you and Luke were trying to see if you could make out under water. Not easy. “Fine. Luke’s it!” You betray, swimming over to the other boys. “Screw you.” Luke closes his eyes and begins, “Marco!” “Polo!” You all call out. Eventually, Luke heads near Michael but Mike propels off the side of the pool and is safe. So Luke heads near Cal and Ash, who you are hiding behind. “Marco?” Luke calls. “Polo!” Your two friends grab your arms and throw you into your boyfriend. “Traitors!” You shout as Luke wraps his arms around you. “You’re it, babe.”


(His POV)

“Y/N! Come on we’re going to be late! We have to get a good spot.” “Mike, the boys are already there in time for the pool to open and will get a good spot for us. Now stop being a jerk and help me with my suit please!” I groan but head up the stairs anyway, muttering about how it takes too fucking long for girls to get ready. I’m about to openly mock you on it when I see what you’re wearing. It’s a one-piece, but there are little cuts along the sides and it makes you look even hotter than usual. Especially since you’re using one hand to hold the tie up that goes around your neck and the other makes sure the top part covers your boobs. “Are you gonna help or just keep drooling?” You tease. “Looking great babe. Can’t wait to see this on the floor later though.


“Fuck!” You shout as you lose control of your boogie board as the wave crashes over you. The board hits you on top of your head and tumble in the rush of the waves. You don’t know which way is up or down so you flail helpless until you feel air. Pushing your feet to swim that way, as soon as you break that water another wave hits and you go under again. But this time, you feel a big hand wrap around your arm and pull you to a warm body. Your head hurts and breathing hurts because you just swallowed a ton of water. The person pulls you to shallower ocean water and places you on the sand. Once they start giving you mouth to mouth, you realize it’s a guy. You finally spout out water and get control of your breathing. You leap up, but the big hand gently pushes you back down. “You might want to calm down there. That looked rough. Lucky you that you did that just as I walked by, huh?” You lock eyes with the Australian stranger. You cough a bit, but manage a smile. “Lucky me. I’m Y/N.” “Ashton. Let’s get you a towel, okay Y/N?”

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