Luke Imagine | For Cicely

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*Imagine for Cicely - @-buzzlightyear*

The school year has been busy and you haven’t had too much time to do anything besides focusing on your academics and trying to get all of your assignments down in time and making sure that they were done to the best of your ability so then you could end the year with great grades.

One thing you missed a lot was being able to hang out with your best friend Luke. You only see him in your music class and that’s about it. You felt as if your friendship was distancing itself right before your eyes and there wasn’t really anything that you could do about it.

When you heard the schools bell ring you packed up everything and quickly made your way over to your locker where you put stuff in and took stuff out before shutting it and then starting your long journey back home.

It’s a Tuesday and this was the day when you uploaded a new cover onto YouTube and this time you were going to try to do an original song that you had written for Luke. It was about a friendship that was once the greatest on the earth, the kind of friendship other people were jealous about and then how it was drifting apart and all you wanted to do was bring it all back together.

When you arrive home you say ‘hello’ to your mum and dad before rushing up to your room and dunking you bag onto the ground as you carefully take your guitar out and sit on your swivel desk chair and place the lyrics and chords in front of you.

For about an hour, you were practicing it all and making sure you didn’t mess it up and making sure you got the lyric timing in your head.

As soon as you were completely sure that you were done and ready, you clicked the record button on your camera and started. “Hey guys! My name is Cicely and it is Tuesday and that means a new cooooovvvverrrr. Anyways, I actually thought I would do something new and sing an original song I wrote called ‘Distance’, hope you like it.”

Taking a deep breath in and out, you got the thought of Luke in your head hoping that it would give you some more emotion when singing:

Do you remember how we used to play in the yard?

Do you remember how you would pull me in

And give me a hug out of nowhere


All these little tiny memories

Are nothing more than pictures in my mind

And it sucks that we’ve left it all behind

And it hurts to know that it feels like you’re not mine


If only we could turn back time

Press the button to rewind

Breathe me in

Let me out

Let me be the toxicating feeling in your mouth

I feel like we’re losing each other

And I don’t want to be a bother

By going up and asking how are you?

Because baby there’s no doubt

That I miss you

As you sang the rest of the song, what you didn’t know was that Luke was at your balcony smiling as he watched and listened to a beautiful song. And he had no clue it was about him. Eventually you finished and then that was when Luke knocked.

It startled you at first but you soon let him  in. “Luke….hi.”

“Cicely.” He smiles. “I brought ice cream and some slices of cake.”

“What’s the occasion?” You asked as you let Luke into your room. Both of you sat on your bed as he put all the food in between the two of you.

“This marks 15 years since we met and I find that fucking fantastic.” He giggles. Grabbing a slice of cake and eating it. You did the same and out some ice cream on your slice before eating it. “And…..the day I say something.”

“You’re speaking right now Lucas.” You laugh.

Luke rolls his eyes and takes your hands in his as he swallows what is left of his cake in his mouth. “I…..have had this major, whipped, fluffy as fuck crush on you.”

“Really? That’s  how you tell me?” You giggle.

“I didn’t know how else.”

“I like it just the way it is.”

“I like you.”

“And I like you too Luke.”

The song here i quickly wrote myself...creds to moi

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