School Partners [AU] - Part 2

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(These are in his POV and about a month after Part 1)


(jock) “Fuck off, Charlie (the guy who made fun of you originally)! I can’t do this anymore.” I tell him after school by my car. “C’mon, mate! Why not? I can give you some more time if she’s a virgin or something-” “No! I mean I’m not gonna do it! I’m not gonna fuck Y/N and mess with her because of your stupid hatred for her! Just stop messing with her, for Christ’s sake.” I snap. He gives me a look. “Wait. Do you like Y/N?” I stop cold, “What? N-” “You do. Ugh, you freak.” He scoffs, then gets this evil glint in his eye and starts to speak loudly, “Okay, Calum, fine, I’ll give you two more weeks to fuck Y/N for our bet!” I’m confused, until I hear a gasp. Coming from you. I spin around and try to explain, “Y/N, wait-” “Fuck you, Calum Hood.” And then you run off.


(bad boy) You and I are making out heavily on your sofa while your parents are at work. This is awesome, but I can’t help but think about the fact you have a boyfriend. Even though the two of you have been doing this for over a month, you still haven’t broken up with your preppy dick of a boyfriend. I mean, I know why you wouldn’t want to be seen with me. I’m an underachieving, cigarette-smoking loser and you’re a 3.8 GPA, charitable good girl. But I can’t deny the fact I want to scream our thing together from the rooftops… which is weird for me. “Why haven’t you broken up with your boyfriend yet?” I pull away from you and blurt out. You get this confused look on your face, and then you look a little sad, “Mike, listen-” “You won’t? Is that what you want me to hear? That you’re just slumming? Whatever, Y/N.” “Michael!” You call, but I’m already leaving.


(musician)I watch with pride as you drum your heart out as a part of your audition to be in the orchestra for our school’s musical. After such a short bit of time, you’re already really fantastic. Maybe there’d be a competition between us, but I have no interest in being a part of the musical. All the actors are dicks, and I have marching band and my own band to worry about. After you finish playing, the room greets you with applause so loud it’s almost deafening. I’m about to run up to where you are by the stairs to congratulate you when I see Chad Bolton, musical lead and lead dick, getting there first. And he starts flirting with you, my crush. “You were great, Y/N.” “Thanks.” “Wanna do something later?” He gives her this cocky smirk, so I high-tail it over there and quickly wrap my arm around her waist. “She’s with me, Bolton.” Chad looks at you, and you nod, making me a bit surprised. You look up at me from my arms. “So I’m with you, huh?”


(nerd) You and I are trashed. We were supposed to be going over the important dialogues of Romeo & Juliet like my syllabus planned, but since it’s Saturday I decided it would be a good idea to rest. But then you broke into your parents’ liquor cabinet and one thing lead to another and we’re just drunk off our asses. I clamber on the cushions of your sofa, “But soft! What light through yonder window breaks? It is the east, and Juliet is the sun!” You stand next to me, giggling in your alcoholic stupor, “Do you bite your thumb at us sir?!” “That’s not that line!” I laugh and you shrug. “So what?” I play along, “Is the law on our side if I say nay?” “I bite my thumb sir but I do not bite my thumb at you sir!” “That’s not the next line!” I laugh again as we start to bounce on the sofa. In response, you just bite your thumb. Before I can help myself, I pull you close and kiss you. And, surprisingly, you kiss me back.

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