Something you do that turns him on

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"Babe, can you help me?" You asked as you bit your lip, trying to finish curling your hair. You heard him approach, but out of the corner of your eye, you could see him just watching you. "Mikey! Can you please help hold back my hair? I just need to curl one more piece." He walked over, his fingers brushing against your skin as he held back your hair. When you were finished, he leaned in. "You look so sexy when you're concentrated and frustrated. It's a shame your hair is so pretty, because I'm going to smash the curls out of it tonight."


As much as I hated writing, I always forced myself to spend hours on it, perfecting and finalizing my work. As I edited my essay for my teacher, I twirled my fingers aimlessly through my hair, and biting my pen absentmindedly. I could see Ash approach from behind, and immediately felt his hands wrap around my waist. "Baby, I know you're busy writing, but you look so sexy with your glasses on. Why don't we take a brain break?" He whispered hoarsely before picking me up without an answer.


"Hey babe, how does this dress look?" I asked as I exited the dressing room. One of my cousins was getting married, and I was having trouble finding a dress. "Cal?" I asked again, as he stared at me. "I... ehm... it looks super hot, babe." He tore his eyes from my bum, his cheeks tinted red as he looked me in the eye. I turned to go back to the dressing room, just as he jumped up and whispered in my ear. "I can't wait to tear you out of it. Hurry up and dress so we can get home, because I have never wanted you more in my life."


I had woken up early on a lazy Sunday, and decided to make breakfast for me and Luke before he woke up. Trying not to disturb him, I had thrown on one of his old Nirvana t-shirts over my underwear before going downstairs. I hummed as I got out the pancake mix, when I suddenly felt giant hands on my waist. I gasped as I turned around to see Luke smirking at me. "Jesus Luke, you scared the shit out of me." "Sorry babe, you just look so fucking sexy in my shirt. I'm really hungry, and pancakes aren't going to do it for me." I gave him a confused look. "Do you want bacon and eggs instead?" Luke chuckled. "No. I'm hungry for you." He picked me up bridal style, the thoughts of breakfast long gone.

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