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 "Baby, I'm starving." Cal whispered into your ear as the morning sun peaked through your window shades. "Cal, I'm tired." You whined back. "Can we go to Pinkberry?" He asked, pulling you close to him. "Cal, it's 6 am. And they don't deliver." "I KNOW. I KNOW THEY DON'T. OH GOD I KNOW THEY DON'T DELIVER." He groaned into your ear. "Oh shut it, drama queen. We'll get some this afternoon. Now can we go back to sleep?" Cal nestled his head into the crook of your neck. "I love you, (y/n)."


"Mikey? Mikey, where are you?" You mumbled as you awoke to an empty bed. " Kitchen!" He yelled back. Stumbling down stairs in a sleepy fog, you found him setting plates on the table. "Babe, what's all this?" You asked. "It's sweethearts day in America today. I figured we'd celebrate." He smiled shyly. Brushing a bit of pancake batter off his chest, you brought your face to his. "I love you so much, Mikey."


"Hey, (y/n)? Do we have any eggs?" Ashton called from the kitchen. "Top left shelf." You called back, from the couch. "What about milk?" He yelled again. Standing up, you made your way to the kitchen, to find Ash in a mess of ingredients. "Ash, babe, what're you doing?" He sighed and looked at you meekly. "I just wanted to make you breakfast. You always cook for me, and for once, I wanted to make you something." Kissing his cheek, you grabbed his hand. "Aw Ash. I love you, but you are not a cook. Why don't you keep me some company while I make some food?"


"Baby, wake up!" You felt Luke's lips tickling your ears as he whispered you awake. "What?" You groaned sleepily. "Sit up." He ordered. You sighed as you rubbed your eyes, and sat up. "Oh, Luke." You whispered in awe as you saw the tray he held in his hands. Sitting down next to you, he placed the tray on both of your laps. "All this? What for?" You asked as you nestled your head on his shoulder. "Just because I love you."

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