Luke Imagine | For Jane

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*For Jane- @JnaeLikeaBoss*

Sorry if it’s not as long as you would have hoped D: when I write imagines, I tend to just write it until I feel like I’ve put everything in.

Hope you still like it though!



Luke and you have been dating for a while now. When you first started dating him, you knew that it would be risky for you because you knew just how much his fans loved him and you knew how they would feel when their idol was taken—because you were a 5SOS fan before you two met.

Both of you knew that the fans might not take it well if you were to ever reveal your relationship to the public, so you kept it secret for as long as you could, until—one day—you two were having too much fun being with each other [while goofing off in at an arcade date] and you had displayed some PDA, and—unfortunately—there was a fan in the same arcade as you and she quickly snapped a picture.

When the two of you went home Luke surprised you with a bunch of notebooks, pens, movies and a bunch more because he knew just how much you loved those kinds of things. You took a picture of all the presents and you quickly connected to the WIFI [to later post on instagram] when suddenly your twitter notifications went crazy and you were confused—you never got this many that quickly.

SO out of curiosity, you went onto twitter and onto the mentions and that was when you figured out why your account was blowing up. There are a bunch of tweets from the 5SOS fam and each of them were posting a picture and then each of them had specific hashtags: #LukesGirlfriend #LUKEHEMMINGSISTAKEN #MyHeartHurts etc.

Some people were surprised, some were thinking that you were cute but the majority of the tweets were targeted at you. Telling you that you don’t deserve Luke and that you were stealing him from them and that you’re using him for his money. You suddenly drop your phone as you can feel yourself wanting to cry.

“Babe? What’s wrong?” Luke asks but you didn’t answer and you just ran to your room and locked yourself in there are you cried your eyes out. Luke was confused and he went to pick up your phone where he—himself—saw all the comments. Luke went upstairs and knocked on the door. “Please let me in…” So you do. And Luke just proceeded to hug you and rub your back and whisper sweet things into your ear. “It’ll be alright.”

But it wasn’t. The comments just kept on coming and coming and they weren’t getting any better. There were the people that realized Luke is happy with you and that they should let you be, but there were far too many mean comments compared to the nice ones and that made you feel worse.

It was actually tearing your relationship apart until one night, Luke decided to have a talk. You set your book down and look over at Luke. “Jane….I don’t know how to say this but…”

“You want to break up with me…don’t you?” You finished for him. The look on his face just revealed it all and you—once again—could feel yourself wanting to cry. And you just wanted to stay in an enclosed room and isolate yourself from the rest of the world.

Luke sighs and looks at you. “The comments are just getting worse and worse Jane and I—.”

“You’re letting them win? Luke, I thought our relationship was more than that! I thought you would never let the enemy win! And you’re not even going to fucking try and make things better?! Instead you result to just ending things because people are telling you too!?” You yelled. You couldn’t believe Luke would go as far as this. You would’ve thought he would do something more to fix it—rather than dump you because of the problem.

“Jane please just listen….I’m doing this to protect—.”

“If you were going to protect me, why didn’t you just stand up for us.” You cut him off. And Luke fell silent. “Never mind. I’m leaving.” And Luke watched sadly as he saw you pack your things and leave your house without another word. He wanted to say things, he wanted to say so much but he just couldn’t. After you left, he sat himself down by his desk and took out a notebook. Writing at the top:

This is everything I didn’t say

Hoping one day he could show it to you…and tell you everything he didn’t say.

~2 years Later~

It’s been two years since you’ve seen each other, since you’ve last spoken and since you walked out Luke’s door. But just because you were apart it didn’t mean you stopped caring from him. You still checked up—every now and then—to see how his band was doing. You even checked your twitter—but haven’t tweeted anything since two years ago—and you could see fans apologizing to you.

Because—since the night you broke up—Luke hasn’t been the same anymore. He rarely smiles, he never laughs and his energy on stage is just off. And it’s been like that since you’ve broken up. You’re in Amsterdam for a writing internship and you were just walking around until you bumped into someone.

“Oh I’m so sorry. I wasn’t looking.” You could recognize that voice from anywhere. It was Luke. You look up—just to be sure—and there he was. Eye bags present, his eyes not the normal bright blue that they are when he is happy, his smile wasn’t genuine and his hair was definitely not tamed. It took him a while to register that it was you indeed and he didn’t waste a second to hug you.

He held you tightly in his arms and just sobbed as he missed the feeling of you. You couldn’t help but shed some tears too. You missed him. Majorly. When the two of you separated you wiped the tears away from Luke and he smiled a little. “I used to do that to you when you cried.” He said. And all your memories together flowed in your head and you just smiled lightly. “How have you been doing Jane?”
“Not very well. You?”

“Not very well either.” Another silence fell between you too until Luke held your hand.

“I haven’t stopped thinking about you these past two years and I realized too late that I could’ve done something else. I’m so, so sorry for breaking you like that and I’m sorry that I’m the reason you’re hurting and I’m sorry….” Luke continued to ramble on and on and you decided to just shut him up with a kiss. Which he was surprised—at first—but soon his lips went along with yours.

You two kissed for a while until you pulled apart—needing to catch your breath. “I’ve missed that.” You admit.
“Me too. Jane?”


“Do you think we can…get back together?” Luke asked, scratching the back of his head. You smiled widely and just hugged him as if there was no tomorrow. “I’m taking that as a yes.” He giggles. Kissing the top of your forehead. “I love you Jane.”

“I love you too Luke.”

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