"It's going to be ok"

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"Hey, hey, it’s gonna be okay." He cooed, gently holding you in his arms.

"How can you even say that?" You cried. "You don’t know if it’s gonna be okay." Your face was red from all the crying; your makeup had fallen off ages ago with a train of tears of snot. You didn’t even know how long you’d been crying, or how long Luke had been holding you. It felt like hours had passed by.

"I do know that it’s gonna be okay. It’s always gonna be okay.” 

"Stop saying that!" You yelled. You got up from his arms, wiping your face on the shirt you were wearing. "It’s not okay!"

"Shh, (Y/N) come here, stop, we’ll be fine." He got up from the spot on the floor and walked over to you, enveloping you in his arms. He lightly swayed you back and forth, as you continued to sob into his shirt.

"How…How could…" You muttered.

"Shhh…." He cooed, kissing the top of your head. "It’s okay. It’ll all be okay." 

You shook your head, not believing it in the moment. Nothing felt okay. Not a single thing. Your entire world had come crumbling down and it felt like there was nothing left but ruins, your broken heart among them. How could anything ever be okay again…

Ashton -

“It’ll be okay,” He walked over to you and held you, flush against his chest.

You were silent. You didn’t know what to do. You didn’t know how to go on, how to just pretend like everything was okay.

"You don’t even have to go," He told you. "They’d understand." You shook your head; you had to go. You had to say goodbye. If you weren’t there, it’d mean you didn’t care, or that you were weak. So you had to go. You had to be strong. "I’ll be here for you, I’ll always be here." 

"Ash.." You whispered. "It hurts." Tears started to fall down your cheeks and he just held you closer to him, and placed a loving kiss to your head. 

"I know, baby." He cooed. "But it’ll be okay. If nothing else, it’ll be okay." 

"You shouldn’t lie." You responded, looking down. 

"Hey, come on, now." He said, frowning down at you. "I promise you, I promise to the fucking end of the world, it will be okay. I fucking promise you that." He wiped away a tear falling down your cheek with his thumb. "I’ll be here for you, always. We’ll get through this." 

Calum **trigger warning**- 

"It’s gonna be okay." He shushed, but even you weren’t sure you believed it. There was so much blood, everywhere. It was on your clothes, and Calum’s too.

Neither one of you said anything, he just held you close to him, afraid if he let you go for one second you’d be ripped away from him forever.

"I love you." He whispered in your ear. "I love you so much." 

You didn’t understand why, he loved you. You didn’t even love you. You didn’t think anyone was ever capable of loving you, and then he came along, flirty smiles and snapbacks and all. Your relationship was full of banter, and cute moments, and inside jokes, but he had never seen the real you. It was all a lie. He didn’t know about you, screaming in the middle of the night as another nightmare teared you from the world of what was supposed to be peaceful dreaming. He didn’t know about the razors you kept in the blue box in the bottom left of your closet, or about the illegal pills in the back of your medicine cabinet that helped you throw up when you’d eaten too much. He didn’t really know you, as well as he thought he did.

And here you were, covered in your own blood, as he held you close. You didn’t understand why he didn’t take off running when he found you trying to escape from everything. You didn’t understand why he was still here, or why he even cared. But you liked it, you liked that he was still here, and you liked that he cared. You didn’t want him to leave.

"I love you too." You mumbled, tears starting to fall down your cheeks.

Michael -

“Hey, it’s gonna be okay.” He whispered to you, walking towards you. You stopped him.

"You keep saying that." You shook your head. "But it’s not okay this time, Michael." 

"Hey, don’t talk like that, we’re gonna be fine, okay?" He tried to wrap you into a hug, but you pushed him away.

"We can’t keep doing this, Michael! Pretend like there’s nothing wrong! Everything is wrong with us, don’t you see that?" 

"(Y/N) what are you talking about?" He asked, concern growing in his face. 

"We are constantly fighting, Michael. Constantly. This isn’t working. We’re just running in circles, and I can’t do this anymore. I’m sorry." 

"What-no, no, (Y/N), you can’t leave. You’re not leaving me." 

"You have no right to say what I can or cannot do." You snapped. "You’re not my boyfriend anymore." You headed towards the door, but he pulled your wrist. 

"Please, don’t go. I need you." He whispered. "I love you, (Y/N)." 

"Stop it." You got out of his grip by throwing your hand down. "You don’t need me. We both know that. You’ll be fine without me. This isn’t working anymore. It’s not."

"Then we’ll fix it! I’ll change, we can-" He trailed off, tripping over his own words.

"No, Michael. We can’t fix it this time. It’s just broken now." 


"It’s not okay anymore, Mikey. It’s not gonna be okay." You grabbed your keys and mumbled a ‘goodbye’ before you left, never to see him again.

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