He has a Girlfriend - Part 1

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He has a girlfriend and you have a crush on him


“C’mon, Y/N, I really want you to meet her.” Cal, your best friend, whines. You two are on the phone (with you being in Australia and him being in LA for 5 months of album writing) when he drops the bomb that he met someone there and he’s gone crazy for her. 3 months in and he replaced you. You’re heartbroken. “Sorry, I’m busy.” You mutter, trying to get your voice to not break. “I didn’t even tell you when.” “I’m in a constant state of busy.” “Y/N, please! I miss you and I really wanna see you and for you to see her.” You sigh, “Okay, if you get the tickets and shit, I’ll go.” “Yay! I promise, you’ll love her!” You both hang up and then you toss your phone off to the side, trying not to cry. Taking a deep breath, you sit up straighter. Maybe it was time you got over your stupid crush.


“Listen, Y/N, we need to talk.” You are third-wheeling with Luke and his girlfriend. It’s hard, especially since you’re kinda in love with him, but you kept it hidden for his relationship’s sake. But now she wants to talk to you, so she leads you outside the carnival you were at. “What’s up?” You ask. “Stop it.” “Stop what?” “Stop thinking you have a chance with my boyfriend. Yeah, I see the looks you give him and it’s pathetic. You don’t actually think he’d date you, right? I mean, look at yourself. You’re such a waste of space.” You couldn’t help it, you burst into tears and ran off, not knowing Luke had heard everything.


You open the door to find Ash standing there and you can’t help but smile the brightest you have all day, maybe all week. “Hey, Irwin!” Gotta hide that whole huge-crush-thing. “So, today maybe we could-” “I can’t hang out with you anymore.” He blurts. “Wh-what?” You stammer. “My girlfriend kind of gave me the ultimatum and-” “You picked her?” You clarify, heart falling into your stomach. He nods, and you get pissed. You’ve never been this angry. “You fucking picked her? You’re such a cowardly asshole. I hate you. I can’t believe I ever thought I was in love with you. Fuck off and never talk to me again.” With tears running down your face, you slam the door in his.


Drunk. D. R. U… What’s the rest? You dunno. You’re too drunk to think. You’re at a party at your close friend Luke’s house, and after an hour of partying, things are heating up with a game of spin the bottle. You spin 3rd and it lands on Michael. Everyone, in that childish way, goes “OOOOOOOHH”. Without a thought, you move to the center of the circle. And he does then. He moves his face closer, so you do as well. And then your lips meet. And even when the mandatory 30 seconds have passed, and you and Mikey are still kissing.

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