Heartache on the Big Screen

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And I forgot my lines.” I should say something. I need to say something. But it’s like my body is frozen and I can only stand there and watch as you pack up your things and leave mine. I stand in silence as you rip your life from me. I can’t help but run through the most recent conversation between us as my mind is in hyperdrive where you say you can’t do this anymore and you need space and I really need to say something. But I can’t. The words are gone. And so are you.


As I stand here, broken-hearted.” This is the most cliche moment of my life. Near tears in the rain outside a tiny coffee shop right after you break up with me. And I mean right after, I can still see your back as you walk away from me about two blocks away in the drenching rain, away from us and the life we could’ve had. I want to kick things. I want to scream. I want to cry. I want to run after you and beg you to take me back. I want to get so drunk I forget your name. But I don’t do any of those things. I just walk home



 ”This one’s a repeat, seen it before.” Your POV You curl up on your sofa, fave pjs on and wrapped in a fuzzy blanket, your favorite ice cream half-empty on the table and your face caked in tears and all you can think about is how much of an idiot you are. You trusted Luke Hemmings again, you dated Luke Hemmings again, and he broke your heart again. You sniffle and change the channel from a shitty soap opera to, just your luck, a 5sos interview. You just turn the telly off; there’s nothing new for you to see.


So I’ll just keep on acting the fool.” That’s all I ever am, that’s all you ever see me as. The goofy little sidekick. The Duckie to your Andie and Calum’s Blane. Perfect Calum gets the girl. He fucking gets you. And I get fucked over. I keep hearing you say over and over that I wouldn’t be a good boyfriend because I wasn’t “serious.” The thought of it makes my fists clench. Fuck you anyway. I don’t need to be the lead. I’m totally fine playing the dorky sidekick. They have the best lines anyway.

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