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"One (insert a coffee order you like)!" The barista yells in the tiny Starbucks. There’s hardly any people there, just a hipster in the corner, a group of really tall guys, a mom with her kid, and yourself, so you can hear her even with your headphones in. When you hear your order, you go up to grab it, nodding along to "Weightless" by ATL that’s jamming. Just as your hand is about to grasp the cup, long, slender fingers wrap around it. In shock, you take your headphones out with your free hand. "Oh god, sorry! Was this your coffee?" You ask, stepping away to let him take it. "Did we get the same thing?" He asks, cocking his head. "I think so." You laugh, "You take it." "No, I would never deny a gorgeous girl like you her coffee." He says with a really cute grin. You can’t help but blush. "Thanks. I’m Y/N." "I’m Calum." He shakes your hand. "So, I was just wondering… since I already know your order, wanna get coffee with me some time?" He-Calum asks. Your blush worsens, but you don’t find yourself caring. “Let me give you my number…”


 (Yep, this is like Bewitched, if you’ve ever seen it.) “Oh my god, I’m so sorry!” A really cute boy says as he bumps into you as you enter a book store and he exits. “I’m sorry!” You say at the same time as him, helping him pick up his books. But when that’s over, you both leave. A month later, almost to the day, you bump into the very familiar blonde-haired blue-eyed boy as you go to sit down in Panda Express. Luckily, you are both drinking water so you were both wet but you helped each other dry off and end up chatting, finding out you have a ton in common. But then you both leave, without getting each other’s number. Two months after that meeting, you’re walking out of the elevator at the record company you work at, carrying important papers when then that ridiculously tall boy you’ve seen three times now sends your papers flying as he tries to catch the elevator. “Oh my god, I’m so sorry. I’m late to a meeting with my band- Hey! You’re panda express girl!” He says, finally looking you in the eye while handing you papers. “Man, have I been wanting to find you!” He blurts, then blushes. “Me too. I’m Y/N.” “Luke.” 


Your and Michael’s friendship has always been a bit too close to be “just friends.” You love the same bands, love the same movies, love the same TV shows, and love the same food, along with a bunch of other stuff. But even if you didn’t, it wouldn’t be detrimental at all because you were just so chill with each other, and would hang out almost every day doing those things you have in common. One day when your asshole of a boyfri- ex-boyfriend cheated on you, you don’t go to a girl friend’s, or to your family, you find yourself at Michael’s. You were so devastated, but not for obvious reasons. You didn’t even like him, really. He was just a distraction from your crush on Michael, and what upset you was the fact he called you out on it. “Don’t pretend you’re so high and mighty, Y/N! Everyone knows that you want Michael!” And after you explained everything to Michael, he brushes hair from your face and wipes your tears off. “I gotta know, Y/N… do you want me? Because I’ve always liked you. Way more than just a friend-” You cut him off by pressing your tear-salty lips to his. He pulls away quickly, making your smile fall. But his lips are only centimeters from yours. “Am I a rebound?” He whispers. “Never. It’s you, Mikey.” You lick your lip, and his eyes shift downcast to catch you. Then Michael cups your face in his hands and kisses you. 


The funny thing, about Y/N and I, was that we could have met ages ago.” Ashton laughs, when asked about you in a twitcam about how you, his girlfriend of 2 years, had met him. “We lived two streets away from each other, went to the same schools, and even were born in the same hospital!” Ash tries to start, but the boys join him for the last sentence because they’ve heard that story a billion fucking times and so have the fans, but they always seem to ask. Luckily, neither of you mind. “Then they met at our KOKO shows.” Calum continues, after Ashton pouts at being interrupted. “Because her friend was a Michael girl.” Mike adds, puffing out his collar in a jokingly cocky way. “And Y/N joined us backstage.” Luke adds, fiddling with his beanie. “And it was love at first sight. Love you, Y/N!” Ash grins widely, loving this story. You blush, watching at home while he’s in a studio, so you send him a quick text, “I love you too!” with a ton of emojis, most random, because you both happen to be addicted to those damn things.

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