She Looks So Perfect

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I got your name tattooed in an arrow heart. “Hey, Y/N! Come downstairs, I have a surprise for you!” Ashton calls as he enters the house. You look up from your book, kinda excited because you love surprises, and your boyfriend of almost a year always manages to have great ones. “Hey, Ash.” You say as you bound down the steps“How was your da- WHAT THE FUCK?” You screech when you finally look at Ashton, seeing him in a shirtless state with a tattoo. Well, the tattoo itself doesn’t bother you, it’s what the tattoo is. Your name surrounded by a heart with an arrow in it. “Ash, what is this?” You try to sound more composed but your voice cracks a bit like a teen guy going through puberty. “My new tattoo! Isn’t it fucking rad?” He says, looking down at it, then back at you with a smile. “Sure.” You say as hesitantly as possible as you look at the thickly drawn tat on his bicep. All of a sudden, he bursts into laughter. “Y/N, Y/N babe this is fake. Cal did it with sharpie while we were recording and Michael thought it’d be a good prank.” You start slapping at him, causing him to laugh even louder. “You freaked me out so bad!” You pout, stopping your assault. “You should’ve seen your face!” He continues to laugh, then notices. “Don’t worry, babe, if I ever got a tattoo of you I’d at least text you first.” Ash offers. “Gee, thanks.” You say sarcastically as he wraps his arms around your waist and kisses your forehead so you forgive him.


Would you wanna run away too? You sit on your bed, sobs racking throughout your body. You feel so fucking miserable: your parents and practically everyone are pissed at you for being “worthless,” you can’t afford to go to college and have no plans for after graduation, and your best friend, Calum, is about to embark on an Australian-wide tour with his band, leaving you behind. A new wave of tears is about to hit you when you see a shadow cover your window. You jump and are about to scream when you see it’s Cal. You open the window and whisper, “What the fuck are you doing?” as you help him in. “You weren’t answering your phone so I kinda freaked out- hey. Were you crying?” He asks, tilting your face up and inspecting it. You lie, “No…” “Bullshit. What’s wrong?” So, before you can think otherwise, you tell him everything. He moves some hair behind your ear and says, “Y/N, you are not worthless. You’re amazing and intelligent and beautiful. Don’t believe what those deadbeats say, you are so much better than them. And, as for graduation, you can always join the tour.” He offers. “Really?” You ask, feeling lighter with that possibility. “Of course. The boys love you, they wouldn’t mind.” Cal says and you’re so ecstatic that you practically throw yourself onto him and engulf his warm body in a hug. When you pull away, he pulls you closer, searches your eyes for something, then kisses you. Almost instantly, you kiss him back.You couldn’t wait to run away with him.


You looks so perfect standing there in my American Apparel underwear. “So you and the girls went shopping today, huh?” Michael’s voice carries into the closet, where you’re changing into the clothes you “got” out on a shopping date with your girl friends. He’s a good boyfriend, so he’s letting you show off the new clothes you got. “Yep,” You say, a smirk on your face that Mike can’t hear, hopefully. “Where’d you guys go?” He attempts to sound casual, but you know what he wants to hear. “Oh, you know. Forever 21, H&M, American Apparel, Victoria’s Secret…” You trail off, the smirk on your face growing. You hear him clear his throat as his imagination probably goes into hyperdrive. “Close your eyes,” You say, pulling one of his 5sos merch t-shirts over your head for the surprise. You peek out of the closet, seeing his eyes closed, so you step out. “Okay open.” He opens his eyes, then frowns a bit. “You got one of my t-shirts at Victoria’s Secret?” He asks, confused. “No, it’s under the shirt.” You turn around slowly and lift the shirt up. “Oh, you fucker.” He laughs as you reveal the pink underwear you can get from their merch site. You turn around, fake-pouting at him, “Don’t like them, Mikey?” He pulls you onto his lap and starts kissing your neck. “You look perfect, Y/N.”


 I got your ripped skinny jeans lying on the floor. After a long night with Luke, you wake entangled in his limbs. You look at the clock on the bedside table and mouth a curse to yourself. You have to go to work in 30 minutes, and you already have to eat breakfast, find something to wear because you’re at Luke’s place, and make the 20-minute drive there. Quickly but hopefully so you won’t wake him up, you get out of Luke’s arms and manage to fall on the floor. “Y/N?” Luke bolts up from sleep, leaning over the bed to make sure you’re alright, “What are you doing?” “Trying to get ready for work.” You pull yourself up and get your bra on, “I’m borrowing one of your t-shirts, ‘kay?” “Sure.” He rubs sleep from his eyes, giving you a great view of his chest that distracts you momentarily. “Where are my pants?” You sleepily tug his Nirvana shirt over yourself, it’s big on you but soft and comfy so you couldn’t care less. “Those jeans you were wearing that made your ass look nice? I don’t know, the floor probably.” Luke says, grabbing his phone. You huff, just standing there not wearing pants. “If you hadn’t thrown them somewhere, I wouldn’t be in this mess.” Luke leans over his side of the bed and lifts up your skinny jeans. “Found ‘em!” Sighing in relief, you walk over to grab it but he pulls it from your reach. “Don’t I get a reward?” He teases. You sigh, with a smile on your face, and give him a peck on the lips. “Thanks, Luke.” He shrugs, “Well I prefer to help you take them off rather than put them on, but whatever helps you out, babe.”

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