"I'm fine."

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“I’m fine,” the one sentence he always says after a show that he’s certain went terribly. The confidence you have in him isn’t enough sometimes and he shuts you out completely, locks himself in the dressing room, and speaks to no one. Eventually, after some coaxing, you get him to come out of the dressing room to talk about what’s wrong. He tells you his fears; how he knows the set wasn’t the best, that the crowd wasn’t into the music, and that he screwed up on some lyrics. The sheer vulnerability in his voice, alongside his inability to look away from his clenched hands reminds you just how much he has stayed exactly the same through their rise to fame.


“I’m fine,” the two words he hates to hear most in the world. Whenever he asks what’s wrong, you always tell him that you’re fine and then throw him your fake smile that he absolutely hates. To him, it doesn’t matter where the two of you are; whether it be at home or at a show, he’s bound and determined to find out what has you upset. He knows that it’s going to take him some persuading, and potentially even some arguing, to find out what’s been bugging you all day. When he knows though, he pulls you close and reminds you that your problems never bother him that you should never have to feel as though you need to burden them alone.


“I’m fine,” the one phrase you can utter as you scream at him, tears streaming down your cheeks, letting him know that you are far from fine at all. Even with your tears, and the arms you have wrapped tightly around yourself, he pulls you to him, his arms wrapped even tighter around you, wanting nothing more than for you to hold onto him instead. He wants to be your anchor, your rock. He wants to be the one person you can rely on when your entire world is crumbling down around you. When you finally have enough and begin to fall into his chest and sob, he’ll lift you up and hold you closer so you know that he is and always will be your constant when everything else seems so uncertain.


“I’m fine,” he always says whenever he’s nervous before going on stage or into an interview. Acoustic performances are the worst and you usually catch him repeating that he’s fine over and over again when asked if he’s all right. When you know he’s still freaking out, you pull him aside and force him to look at you and tell you what has him freaking out. Even though you know the answer, you make him tell you so you can talk through his nerves and calm him down. You hold his hands and give him gentle, reassuring squeezes, and remind him that he truly has nothing to worry about, that he’s a great drummer, and that at the end of the day, no matter what, you’ll be there for him.

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