Chapter 9 - Drink with me

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Making sure Javert is tied up, I head out of the Musain to fight, but a voice behind me makes me pause. I turn around, surprised to find Javert talking to me. I inch closer to him as he says, "Mademoiselle, you shouldn't be here..." he trails off as I step closer and he recognises me from the rally. "You" he says, looking baffled. "Me", I say matter-of-factly. "You're the leader's girl", he continues, "he probably doesn't want you here." I look at him stony faced before replying in a cold voice, "I love him and I am going to protect him no matter what." I hesitate before I continue, "scum like you isn't going to stop me."

As I turn to leave, I can see his eyes ablaze with anger and it's only then that I notice the deafening silence. I run outside and let out a sigh of relief as I see everyone is in one piece. However, "something seems wrong", I think to myself before noticing the sombre mood. I look at Marius and let out a silent cry, falling to my knees as I see him with a wounded Éponine. I open my mouth to speak but no words come out as I see Éponine go limp in his arms. Tears rattle my body and I start to shake violently as I'm pulled to my feet by Prouvaire who wraps me in a hug. I sob into his jacket, letting the smell of parchment, ink and fresh flowers fill my nostrils as Joly and Combeferre carry Éponine's small body away into the café, while Marius clutches what looks like a letter and doesn't move.

I feel Jehan let me go and I look up to see a man in National Guard uniform surrounded by the boys, all holding guns. He claims to be a volunteer, and as the boys tell him about Javert's lies, the man grabs Courfeyrac's gun and shoots upwards, killing two hidden snipers. 

The boys finish the rest off, and I watch Enjolras talk to the man before the stranger walks inside the tavern, dragging Javert away. I make my way to Enji, but before I'm halfway we hear a gunshot, and the volunteer returns, sharing a nod with Enjolras. I continue to walk to Enjolras and he runs up to me, lifting me off the ground, spinning me around. I laugh lightly at this and as he sets me down, I catch a glimpse of 'Taire with his eyes full of jealousy. 

I sigh, but burst out laughing when Enjolras swoops me up bridal style and I cuddle into him as he finds a comfortable place for us on the barricade. "Courfeyrac, you take the watch, they may attack before it's light", he says, pulling me closer to him as if that were possible. "Everybody keep the faith, for certain as our banner flies, we are not alone. The people too must rise." He rocks us back and forth and I glance at Marius who is continuing stacking items onto the barricade. "Marius, rest." I call out and he looks at me before finally settling down.

"Drink with me", Grantaire starts to sing. I smile at him, this is one of my favourites.

"To days gone by.

To the life,

that used to be", we all join in.

"At the shrine of friendship

never say die,

let the wine of friendship

never run dry!

Here's to you,

and here's to me!"

Everyone smiles sadly, but I continue singing, only loud enough for Enjolras to hear, "drink with me, to days gone by. Can it be, you fear to die? Will the world remember you when you fall, can it be you death means nothing at all? Is your life, just one more life?" I finish, my eyes full of tears that threaten to fall. Enjolras hooks a finger under my chin, making me look at him. I can see the initial shock in his eyes that slowly fades away when he looks into my own eyes, clouded with fear. He presses a sweet kiss to my lips, as we make ourselves comfortable and fall into a surprisingly peaceful sleep. 

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