Chapter 10 - The calm before the storm

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I am the first to wake and I smile at a peaceful Enjolras, as I disentangle myself from him and walk down the barricade. I wander over to a snoring Joly, Feuilly and Bousset, surpressing my laughter as I look fondly down on them.

"Boys, wake up!", I nudge them and they wake up one by one. "What is it Mademoiselle Daphné?", Bousset yawns, smiling up at me. "I need you to check the other barricades. And bring back as much ammunition as possible, I fear the rain may have damaged ours", I say and they all nod, obedientely making their way quietly from the barricade. Next, I stride over to Grantaire. "R", I nudge him awake. "Apollo", he mumbles, waking up and realising what he said to me. "Daphné...", he begins to go red as I say "hush R, you'll wake the others. I need you to keep an eye on Enji while I'm away. Don't let him leave the barricade. Joly, Feuilly and Bousset are away checking the other barricades. Can you do that for me?" I ask. 

Grantaire nods enthusiastically before narrowing his eyes at me. "Where are you going?" "To get breakfast 'Taire", I reply to which he nods. I grab a basket and a few francs, running down the street to the nearest bakery. I smile fondly when I realise it's the same one where I bought Gavroche all that food. Gently laughing at that memory, I fill up my basket with loaves of bread, pastries and bottled water. After paying the kind man at the counter, I run back to the Musain in fear that something happened while I was away. I sigh in content as I hear gentle snores and climb quietly over the barricade to see 'Taire's eyes trained on my sleeping love.

I nod at him and he smiles, taking his eyes off the leader. I walk around waking all the boys up, placing a soft kiss on Enjolras when I reach him. "Good morning Enji, wake up love", I say and he looks at me before bolting upright, causing us to bang our heads together. "Oww", we both moan at the impact as the boys snigger at us. "I'm going to check the other barricades", he says standing up to leave as I stop him. "I sent Joly, Feuilly and Bousset to check, Enji, they'll be back soon." He looks surprised at this and before he can answer we hear a "we're here", and a sigh of relief escapes me as the three boys return.

"Just in time for breakfast!" I say cheerfully and the boys greatfully take the food I bought earlier. Enjolras smiles at me before turning to Bousset, who says before Enj can speak, "we're the only ones left." I watch as everyone freezes at this. "The people have not stirred, we are abandoned by those who still live in fear. Let us waste no more lives, let those who want to leave go from here." No one moved. I took Enjolras' hand comfortingly and my eyes moved to Gavroche. "Do you hear the people sing..." he begins, and we all join in as the song continues, our spirits lifting significantly.

"The rain has damaged the ammunition, we're low," Marius speaks as Joly cuts in, "Daphné told us to bring any back from the other barricades, we've got plenty." This lifts our spirits again and I feel the boys eyes on me and Enjolras. Courfeyrac and Enjolras share a glance as 'Taire steps forward and hands me my own gun. "You earned it", he says. I smile as I look around at all their faces and when my eyes meet my love's, we just stand there staring at eachother, when an exaggerated cough from R bring us back.

Just when Bahorel is about to say something, we hear the sound of marching feet coming nearer and nearer. "It's starting" I say, looking at the boys, trying to memorise their faces. There's no turning back now. 

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