Chapter 13 - When tomorrow comes

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When I open my eyes, I immediantely realise that something is wrong. I look down at myself and see no bullet wounds or bandages and I get an idea of where I may be. I look around the room and realising it's mine and Enjolras', I jump out of bed and bolt out of the house. 

The moment I step out into the street, I can hear faint singing and I smile as I run towards it. The voices gradually get louder and louder and when I locate the source my mouth drops open in amazement. I'm standing in the square, in front of a massive barricade at least ten times the size ours had been, and I can't help but laugh at the fact that even in Heaven the boys are hosting a revolution. I listen carefully to what is being sung and I cry out in joy when I notice my boys on top of the barricade with him in the middle.

"Do you hear the people sing?

Lost in the valley of the night

It is the music of the people who are climbing to the light!

For the wretched of the Earth

there is a flame that never dies;

even the darkest night will end

and the sun will rise."

At this I begin to push through the large crowd towards the boys, and I smile to myself as I sing along with the people:

"We will live again in freedom

in the garden of the Lord!

We will walk behind the plough-share

we will put away the swords;

the chain will be broken

and all men will have their reward!"

By this point I had climbed the barricade and been noticed by the Les Amis de l'ABC, except for Enjolras, who pulled me up to them. There were many hugs and happy smiles as the people continued to sing, "will you join in our crusade..." 

I picked my way over to Enjolras and upon reaching him, tapped him lightly on the shoulder. He whipped around immediately and broke out into the most radiant smile, swooping me into his arms as we kissed once more.

"Is there a world you long to see..." the people sang and as Enjolras and I pulled apart, his eyes were once more alive and full of love. He put his arm protectively around my waist as we sung with the other:

"It is the future that we bring

when tomorrow come!

Tomorrow comes!

Tomorrow comes!"


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