Chapter 11 - It all comes down to this

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We rush to the top of the barricade and see the National Guard on their knees, every single rifle aimed at us. The only one standing was the commanding officer who looked surprised to see me, rendering him speechless for a moment before speaking. "You at the barricades listen to this. The people of Paris sleep in their beds, why throw your lives away? You have no chance!" he yelled at us. The boys looked determined, but my Enjolras looked like he was having an internal battle.

Then he finally spoke. "Let us die facing our foes, make them bleed while we can." Combeferre joined in, "make them pay through the nose!", then Courf added, "make them pay for every man!" Enjolras spoke again, his voice filled with pride and determination as it sounded all over the barricade, "let others rise, to take our place, until the Earth is free!" There was a slight pause then the officer yelled "cannons!" striking us with immediate fear. "Enjolras we're not ready for this!" "We cannot do this!"

Those fears were drowned out in the first cannon blast, which rocked the barricade. Les Amis fired a few shots while mon amour whipped around to look at me, his eyes full of love and fear and sadness. 

"Daphné, you have to leave!"

"Enjolras I can't leave you!"

"No! For once listen to me, please go!"

Tears stung both our eyes as the barricade was hit once more, making us fall backwards. I was openly crying now, my speech broken as I gasped for air as sobs shook my body and I heard the helpless cries of the boys. I grabbed Enjolras' face and gave him a kiss we would probably never get to share again. He kissed me back passionately and when we pulled away, I still held his face and looking him straight in the eyes I said, "Enjolras, I love you so much, please..." I choked on my tears, "please my love, please come back to me", I finished and with a last searing kiss Enjolras yelled "RUN!" and I struggled to hold onto him, my hand slipping from his as a pair of arms pulled me to safety.

I caught a last glimpse of the only boy I've ever loved and his eyes no longer sparkled; they were full of pain and sadness and I didn't look back as I ran away from the barricade and the love of my life.   

*I cried a little writing this FYI, hope y'all enjoy*

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