Chapter 11-Christmas part 3

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Jarrod looks at RJ, shocked. "WHAT?! What do you mean by she might not make this?!" he is shocked and speechless.

"She slipped into a coma a little while ago. She has barely any pulse and is shocked almost senseless from the experience. She's hanging by a thread" explains RJ "there's no hope for her."

Jarrod is close to tears. He grips her warm hand with all his might. "No. No there must be a way to wake her up! There has to be! I won't let you just let her go like this!" Jarrod shouts, hot tears pricking at his eyes. "I won't let you kill her!!"

Guin winces at his harsh tone. She sits down next to Jarrod. "Don't worry Jarrod, I'm not fond of this idea just as much as you are. But... RJ's right. She's just an empty shell after Carnisoar's attack on her. There isn't much point in letting her suffer inside. Her heart is aching to wake up but her body won't allow it. I'm sorry Jarrod... but there's nothing we can do for her. We've done all we can. We just have to hope."

-2 hours later-

Lily is sitting in her bean bag, crying. Mele's arm is locked in hers, crying as well. Theo is tearful, Guin is close to sobbing, Casey is starting to loose it and RJ, Flit, Dom and Fran are downstairs, working off their pain. Only Jarrod stays by Camille's side; the only one not insane by the fact his closest friend is close to dying state. He watches her sleep peacefully, more fearful than sad. He wants her to live, he want her to fight inside like he did and awake. But even HE isn't that blind to see that she may be gone. But he still wants to try. Jarrod isn't one to give up this easily, nor is she, and he knows that.

"Camille. You do know that you have no other option. You have to wake up; for me, for the others. Flit is worried sick, Mele is crying into Lily's shoulder again, and Fran is worked up over this," he stammers, fighting back tears. "Casey is upset and thinks he didn't do a good job at being red ranger. I can't bare to see him like this. Guin is loosing it. Your like a daughter to her, Camille. She doesn't want to loose you. None of us do."

All Jarrod gets is silence. He shuts his eyes and remembers how brave she was fighting Snapper that day. He knew she was on the edge about everything, and facing her fears was pretty good for her and getting some redemption. He remembers how hyped up she was when they got their stripes, how everyone clustered around them jumping for joy. Jarrod lets tears fall down his face as he holds her hand tight.

"Please Camille. Just give us a sign your ok. They want to pull the plug, they want to end this for you. They think your gone. I know better than to think such things. I know that you can pull through this. I know your inside fighting to stay alive just like when i was trying to fight Dai Shi to save you from Scorch and Snapper's plan to destroy you. I know it was hard, and I know you've struggled all your life, because you've told me. You've said how you became a follower of Dai Shi, you told us because you felt safe telling us that. I know it's hard loosing those you love. I don't want to loose you Camille." Jarrod takes a breath and tries to calm himself.

You may think that I'm giving up, but I'm not. I'd never turn my back on you or the rangers. You all mean a lot to me, like a second family. I don't know what I'd do without you all there for me like you are now." Jarrod grips her hand tighter. "Please, just a sign to tell us all your ok. So we can stop worrying so much about you." He starts to cry harder, unable to talk anymore because of a lump in his throat that won't go away. The others can hear him crying and look up at each other, unable to say anything either because they're too scared, too sad.

Then, Jarrod feels his hand being squeezed a little. He looks up at Camille. "Camille?" Another small squeeze. He grins.

Slowly, her eyes open. She looks at him, green eyes sparkling. "I knew you'd never give up on me."

"Camille!" Jarrod hugs her and she cries on his shoulder, gripping onto him with all the strength she has.The door flies open and the others run through. When they see Camille awake, ultimate party mode pursues and everyone starts to jump around like they're on pogo-sticks. All but Jarrod and Camille, who hug each other tightly.

"I love you Camille."

"I love you too Jarrod."

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