Chapter 14-Dream of the past

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"It's been a while hasn't it?" asks Jarrod. It's night time and everyone is asleep apart from Jarrod and Camille. Camille is restless and Jarrod doesn't want her to be alone. Tomorrow, they have to go to the acadamy for a test.

"Since what?"

"Since Dai Shi's defeat. It's been ages hasn't it?"

"Yeah, it has hasn't it? And you have to admit, that was a pretty epic adventure for us all" Camille smiles.

"It was pretty tough too." Jarrod says with a small sigh. Camille gently puts an arm around Jarrod.

"I know. It was hard as well for me; it was worse for you. It was... pretty tough." Camille looks up at Jarrod, her green eyes shining brightly. "It was hard growing being different."

Jarrod looks at Camille. "What do you mean by that?" he asks. He was confused at what she said.

"Well... whenever you got angry, you used your animal spirit to stop someone hurting you" Camille says. Jarrod tilts his head. Camille grins and taps the side of her nose. "I don't really want to tell you yet. Maybe later. Now, you try and get some sleep Jarrod." Camille kisses Jarrod on the lips lightly. "Please just get some sleep." Jarrod nods.

"Alright, But you need to get some sleep as well Camille."

Camille chuckles. "I'll try." She curls up close to him and Jarrod turns off the lamp. "Night Jarrod."

"Night." Jarrod watches Camille fall asleep. "I don't get it," he whispers, "How come she knows about me?"

He didn't get why she knew about his animal spirit and how he used it as a child; she had never been there when he was younger. As far as he knew, she and Mele had lived far from where he did. He just didn't get it. And the more Jarrod thought about it, the more he started to doze off, until he fell asleep.

-Jarrod's dream-

Three boys surround a young girl. She looks around 10, but shes curled up on the floor, crying. One of the boys, a blond haired one, kicks her in the stomach and the girl cries harder. "C'mon animal, wheres the money?!" Snaps the tallest boy, a ginger haired one.

The girl sniffs. "I-I d-don't have it! I p-promised my m-mother I'd buy food for me and m-my s-sister!" The girl whispers, looking up.

"Forget that! You said you would give us the money! So give us the money!" Another boy, a brown haired one this time, kicks her again and she cries harder, protecting her stomach with her arms. Jarrod notices his younger self rush over and shove the boy who'd just kicked her.

"Hey, what are you doing to her?!" he snaps at the boys.

"Stay outta this lion boy!" the blond goes for the younger Jarrod. They fight, with Jarord winning. The other boys look scared and slightly shocked as the blond hair boy is thrown backward by Jarrod. The blond one gets to his feet along with the ginger one and the brown haired one.

"STOP!" the girl jumps up and attacks the three boys using a chameleon-like tongue. They boys yell in surprise. "LEAVE HIM ALONE!" She draws a dagger from her back pocket. Both young Jarrod and older Jarrod are shocked at her sudden visiousness.

"I'm outta here!" the brown haired boy turns and legs it, the girl glaring after him. Younger Jarrod roars and the other boy legs it after his friend, tripping up a bit as they stumble away.

Jarrod turns to the girl to see she looks scared. "I won't hurt you." Younger Jarrod holds out a hand. "Are you ok?"

The girl nods. "Y-yeah. Thanks." She gets up and pulls out a $5 note, putting it in his hand. "Here."

"No no no no, I can't take this!" He hands it back. "You may need it more than I do." Then he pauses. "Is this what those boys were after?"

The girl nods. "Y-y-yeah. Mother gives me $5 to go b-buy food e-everyday since my f-family lost their job. But I h-have to give it t-t-o those boys everyday... or they'll cut my tongue. Thats w-what they all s-say." She looks tearful. "S-so I have to give t-them the money and go home w-with not much to eat. Me and Mele haven't ate in a while." The girl starts to cry.

"Would you like to come to my place is your sister; Mele was it?" The girl nods.

"Yes, Mele is her name. And do you mean that? W-we can come to y-yours?"

"Sure! You'll be able to eat and your sister will too! I promise!" Younger Jarrod watches as the girl's face lights up.

"Oh thank you thank you thank you!" the girl gabbers as she hugs the boy tightly. He'd never seen someone to be so happy about something so simple. But he hugs the girl back all the same. She then draws back, blushed. "Oh, my apologies! Where are my manners!" The girl curtsies at him, her black hair framing her face. "My name is Camille. Camille Amy May." The girl looks up, smiling. "What's your name?"

"Jarrod. Jarrod Thomas Jones." Jarrod smiles warmly at Camille.

"Thank you for helping me Jarrod. I am forever in your debt for helping me. Now, we must hurry! I have to collect my sister Mele from pre-school before she gets worried." Young Camille smiles cheerfully. She has a dazzling smile and younger Jarrod can't help but smile more as Camille tugs at his hand.

"Your very headstrong aren't you?" Jarrod asks with a cheeky child-like grin. Camille nods.

"Yep! It's because of my animal spirit!" Camille smiles. "I'm the chameleon. That's why I'm called animal from the boys." Jarrod brushes another stay lock of her hair out her face. "Lemme guess; Lion?" He nods. "Thought so! Now, are we going or are we not?"

Older Jarrod watches as the two kids run off, hands locked. He smiles. "So that's what Camille was on about earlier... I saved her life from those boys."

He awakes.

-End of dream-

Jarrod awakes to find Camille sitting up, pale and a little shaky. "Camille?"

She turns to him. "Y-yeah?" She brushes her hair out her face gently. She looks like she barely slept at all.

"You alright?" he asks.

"N-No. RJ said I'm... not very well!" She rushes the last part quickly, clearly hiding something. Jarrod looks at her, concerned. Then, he smiles.

"I found out what you meant yesterday, about growing up differently, about using your animal spirit when your emotions ride." He gently kisses her cheek. "I saw it. I remembered that day. I helped you. I saved you from those boys when you were young." Camille starts to smile. "You were 10, a little younger than me. I took you and your sister in so you would eat." Camille smiles more.

"Now you remember." Then she pauses. "Jarrod?"

"Yes Camille?" Jarrod looks at her, concerned.

"I... I'm pregnant. With our child" she whispers. He smiles a little and kisses her.

"Thought so. That would explain why your so nervous" He kisses her forehead. "Love you."

"Love you too."

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