Chapter 20- Tigers and Eagles

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Rose sits on the balcony alone. Her white hair framed her face with perfection and she looked out across the town in the silence of the night. Rain pours heavily from the heavens, but she stays there all the same. Her thoughts are plain and simple; "I love him." All she can really think about is him; Casey. The tiger master. He had been helping her train when she slipped and he caught her. Electricity had sparked between the two at that moment. She sighs. Her heart was thumping in her chest as she heard the balcony doors open and someone come through. It's Casey. He silently sits down next to her and looks out across the town as well. Both are silent, both are still.

It's Casey who speaks up first.

"You alright Rose?" he asks. She nods. "You were great in the dance contest earlier today Rose. You really impressed us all."

Rose smiles. "Thanks. I can't believe dad came too. I thought he'd kill me for taking part."

"Well the fact you got 1st made him so proud you know. He loves you no matter what."

And so do I Rose.

"I know... Case, do you think there's someone else here who loves me? Not as family, but as something more?"

Casey, please say you like me.

Casey looks her up and down. her sparkling eyes shine in the moonlight, and electricity shoots between them again. "Yes I know..." Rose looks at him with a gorgeous glassy eyed look. "It's me." Her face lights up as he and her hug tightly. She feels so excited and so warm and happy. He feels so happy as he holds her close. When the two draw back from their hug, the two eyes lock. She blushes and he smiles. Her eyes looks down and her head bows. Gently, he lifts her head up and looks at her with his bright eyes.

It's now or never Rose.

The two lean in and kiss briefly. Electricity sparks turn into flames as the two kiss in the pouring rain, under the dark sky glinting with stars. When they draw back, Rose is flushed red akin to Casey's jacket. Casey puts a hand out and stands up. "Shall we go in? I don't want you to catch a cold." Rose takes his hand and gets up with a smile. The two walk inside, smiling.

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