Chapter 18- She's my missus, but shopping's a bad habit

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"Does this look alright Lily?" Camille asks. The girls are out shopping and the boys have sadly been dragged along to assist in 'Picking out outfits for the academy celebration which is tomorrow' AKA an excuse to go shopping, find a perfect dress then find the boys an outfit too.

Lily nods. "Green is SO your colour Camille! Though I highly recommend you wear black with it if you want to show off your figure and white if you want to have a floaty dress" replies Lily. Camille does a spin. She wears a short dark green dress with a black belt and her usual black heels. Brighter green spirals curl up one side from the top to the bottom like ivy, and Camilles' midnight black hair which floats around her shoulders adds to the nature effect. "But I gotta say, that dress looks stunning on you. Shall we show the others?"

"Yep! This is so my dress!" Camille and Lily laugh and head out to show the boys, who were waiting for the girls to get their dress. "Oh boys, can you tell me what you think of this dress please?"

All the boys look up and gawp in awe. "Now THAT is perfect!" announces RJ. Camille does a twirl.

"Like it?"

"Love it!" the boys seem to chorus. Lily laughs.

"See I told you that dress would be perfect! Now, where are your dates?"

 Rj sighs. "Still trying on dresses."

Casey chuckles. "Just buying her dress now."

Theo grins. "Mine's already done."

Dom groans. "Mine's fussing over some studded trousers. I think Guin's helping her."

"Alright. Camille, you get back into your normal gear and then you can pay for the dress. Then we can finally get moving!" commands Lily.

"Will do!" Camille turns on her heel and runs into the changing rooms again.

"This is gonna take some time" groans Casey.

"They're girls what do you expect? Shopping is their habit!" states Dominic. Jarrod chuckles.

"A bad habit really." he says "Though Camille isn't that bad; it's Lily who is the worst."

"Oh heck no! Guin's way worse!" RJ laughs. "She fusses over everything!"

"Nope! Mele is WAY worse!" Casey points out.

-30 minutes later-

"So, we all good?" asks Jarrod. The girls are lined up with bags in hands. "Once we get back, we're not dragging you ladies back out to the store again!"

The girls laugh. "We're all good!" says Lily "I hope!" Camille covers her mouth to stop herself laughing and Mele almost drops her bags.

"Alrighty then! Let's go!" cheers Casey and Theo rejoices. None of the boys are one for shopping, but the girls love it.

"Finally" groans Dom "Took long enough."

"Like I said, bad habit" chuckles Jarrod "Though I guess it's natural right? They ARE girls after all!" The boys all laugh. The girls shoot them glassy glares that shut them up, before turning back round and gossiping again.

When they get back to JKP, theres a letter at the door addressed to RJ.

"Is it from your dad RJ?" asks Fran. RJ shakes his head.

"No. It's not his writing. It looks like Master Swoop's writing to me" he says "wonder what he needs."

"Well bust it open then!" Casey says. Camille gives him a shove in the arm that shuts him up. Mele claps her hand over her mouth to not laugh and Guin is chuckling as Camille gives Casey a glare.

They all go in and put their bags down before crowding around RJ to see the letter.

"To RJ,

Thing's have been going smoothly and Rose has learnt the bat and the elephant techniques. I ask that you will take her in and teach her how to use the wolf and shark techiques and give her some encouragement into the outside world. Rose has been isolating herself for too long now and I need you to take her in, give her a roof over her head and a job and help her make some new friends.

Recently she has been a little alone and she needs some encouraging and to have some new experiences as well as make a few new friends; well, I know that won't be hard for you, seeing as you have plenty of people at the parlour. She hasn't been to Pai Zhua academy for a while now so she's a little shaky around new people but I know that you can change her because you are and always have been the outgoing master after all. She's a little timid, but once you get her out of her shell then she's alright.

Rose will be arriving the day after tomorrow. If no rooms are free she says she doesn't mind sleeping on a sofa or a hammock or hanging upside down. She's quite a bat.

From Master J.Swoop"

"Um... RJ, who is Rose?" asks Camille. Guin grins and sighs and RJ smiles.

"Rose is Swoop's daughter who has the eagle spirit. She's 19 and she's been training to learn all the master's animal spirits so she can become more powerful and take out all evil. You should have seen her when she was told she'd missed out on defeating Dai Shi, oh she was mad! She's been doing this since she was 5 see." explains RJ.

"She knows the penguin, the gorilla and the antelope techniques and it looks to me shes learnt the bat and elephant too. She doesn't have many more to go now" says Guin "They grow up so fast."

"Indeed" RJ puts the letter in his pocket and smiles "Casey do you still have your hammock?" Casey nods. "Good. She can use that if she doesn't want to hang upside down on the beams."

"Another? How much room do we have left?" Dom chuckles. Everyone laughs.

"Well, we'd better get prepared for her arrival! Let's go crew!" says Theo. Everyone rushes off to do their own thing, getting pillows and blankets for the daughter of the bat master.

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