Chapter 10-Christmas part 2

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Jarrod sits on the end of the sofa. The night has fallen and the rangers have found no trace of the kidnapped Camille. Jarrod's close to going crazy again and Mele is about to break off the punching bag along with Casey and the others.

"Hey." Jarrod looks up to see Fran at the doorway. She pushes her glasses up a little more and smiles shyly at Jarrod.

"Hey Fran. Come sit down if you want to." Fran shuts the door and sits down next to Jarrod. Shyly, she puts a hand over his and squeezes his shaking hand.

"I'm sorry about Camille Jarrod. She means a lot to you and the others." says Fran. "Mele is loosing it out there. I swear she's training so hard she's gonna knock someone out soon enough. " Jarrod chuckles at her statement. "I know you'll find her. I know that you'll all find her." Jarrod looks up. The parrot spirit of the girl shone out like Camille's chameleon spirit. Fran and Camille were close friends, Camille often helping Fran with orders at the lunch rush etc. Fran is often parroting what Camille says, but this time she's saying it from the heart. Jarrod nods.

"I know. Thank you Fran." Fran nods.

"No problem. Now, how about we go try and calm down Mele before there's an injury?"

Both laugh. "Good idea Fran."

-Beachside Cave-

"See, I told you they weren't that dumb to fall for any of your tricks!" Camille snaps to the sky overloard.

"Maybe so, but maybe i hid you too well. Without that locket, your useless and can't escape. Which is a good thing, because once i get my hands on those power rangers and destroy them, you'll be following them remember? So whats the point in having that locket!" replies Carnisoar. The dagger against Camille's chest is cold and metallic, sending shivers up her spine.

"They will find me and they will save me Carnisoar you can bank on that!" Camille's eyes sparkle with hope "I know they will find me and they will help rescue me along with-"

"With the human?! HAH! That vessel is a weakling! He wouldn't come for you Camille! Your just a girl! A traitor!" Carnisoar laughs as Camille's face turn white with fear.

"Don't lie Carnisoar! Jarrod will come and he'll bring the rangers! You won't get away with this!" Camille struggles at the ropes. The dagger cuts at her skin and she gasps as blood starts to trickle from the wound. Carinsoar laughs.

"What did I say about movement? I thought chameleon's were meant to be smart!" Carnisoar sneers at Camille, who is crying once more, scared. She can't do nothing, and at any rate that dagger will go straight through to her heart, killing her. It already hurts, and Camille is close to screaming at the sky overlord. All she can do is hope.


"I found Camille! And yep, Camille is accompanied by Carnisoar" says RJ. Then he stops short. "Not good news."

Everyone gathers around the screen. Camille is now unconcious and Carnisoar is striding up and down impatiently. The dagger's point is in her skin and blood seeps from the wound. Everyone gasps.

"Why that little brat!" snaps Lily as she thumps RJ's chair.

"I swear he's gonna be dust by the time we've finished with that little trickster!" Dominic groans as Fran appears beside him with Jarrod and Mele.

"Gosh. Look's like Camille's in a pickle" whispers Fran. "You DO know that Carnisoar could easily use that dagger to stab Camille, therefore rendering the whole trip useless? He's probably waiting for you lot to show up, then she'll get killed by him." Everyone stares at Fran and she shrugs. "I hang around Camille too much. Seeing as she's smart at these types of things and tricks, it shouldn't be too hard to figure out."

"OH!" everyone realises Fran is right.

"So what do we do?" asks Casey. He doesn't look too happy and doesn't look to pleased either; then again, nor is anyone. I mean, its close to Christmas and then THIS happens.

"Well, how about you call the sky overlord out into the town? He can't resist a fight as far as I know, right? So, bring him out and send half of you to fight him while the other half rescues Camille? Looks to me that the place he's got her at isn't guarded by anything, so it won't be hard." Fran explains.

"....Wow." Everyone seems a little gobsmacked. Fran shrugs.

"Don't think that the one who makes the most mistakes is the one who isn't smart!" Fran waggles a finger at the rangers, who laugh.

"Great plan Fran! Ok, who will go fight Carnisoar?" asks Jarrod.

"I think that me, Lily, Theo and Dominic go fight Carnisoar while you, Mele and RJ go for Camille. Guin can come along as well to make sure everything goes smoothly. And then you Fran can keep each team updated by staying here and monitering!" Casey replies with a smirk at his small plan. "It shouldn't be too hard if theres a bunch on both sides!"

"Alright, then lets split up! Let's go!"


"Come on Carnisoar! Where are you?!" Yells Casey, powered up and in jungle master mode along with Theo and Lily with Dominic by their side.

"If you want a fight, we're waiting for you!" shouts Lily angrily, slipping a hand into Theo's. Theo squeezes her hand tightly, both nervous, but not afraid.

BAM! Out of nowhere, Carnisoar appears and strikes them all with his claws/talons. All but Casey fall to their feet. He strikes at Carnisoar, using his shark sabres to attack the sky overlord as soon as he flew by. Carnisoar fell from the sky and Casey attacked with all his might. Lily, Theo and Dom then proceeded to attack as well, all of them putting their all into it.

"Where is Camille?!" snaps Lily as she swings the jungle mase at Carnisoar.

"You'll never find her!"

"You bet we will! We're power rangers! We can do anything!" Dom says as he attacks. Carnisoar hits the floor and is pounded by more attacks.


Camille's eyes open and she looks around her. She can hear footsteps and is shaking with fear. But all this fear subsides when Jarrod, Mele, Guin and RJ rush through.

"Camille!" Jarrod rushes to her side and starts to untie the ropes. RJ pulls the dagger from her skin gently and she whimpers in agonising pain. "It's ok. The rangers have attacked Carnisoar and he's gonna get defeated."

Camille flings her arms around Jarrod's neck, crying. "I was so scared you weren't coming." Mele comes other and joins the hug.

"Guys, now isn't the time! We have to hurry before Carnisoar or someone comes!" Guin calls to the others. RJ nods and inspects her chest wound, trying to not look perverted in ANY way possible.

"Yep, deep. Very serious. Jarrod, take her back to the parlour so Fran and you can heal her up."

"Got it." Jarrod takes Camille by the arm and gently gets her to her feet. She winces and her legs give way, Jarrod holding her up as she almost falls to her knees. He teleports them back the the parlour, where they're met with Fran and a visitor, Flit, who is also deeply concerned.

-JKP; 1 hour later-

Camille rests on her bed, asleep and exhausted. RJ, Flit and Lily had done everything they could to help her, as did Master Guin, who was deeply concerned about Camille. Casey, Lily, Theo and Dominic, with the assistance of the other Secret Spirits (Kat, Mele and Miratrix) utterly OWNED Carnisoar, sending him to the pits of hell along with the others.

Jarrod sits by her side, holding Camille's warm hand. She was pale, and she was tired. She had passed out after they teleported back to the parlour and bashed her head against the floor when Jarrod was talking to Flit, shocking them all. Camille was the one thing he held close, he held onto with his life. She meant so much to him; after all, it was her who managed to lodge him from Dai Shi without really knowing it. He didn't want to let go yet; not now. Not ever.

The door opens and in comes RJ, Lily and Master Guin, looking grave.

"Jarrod... Im sorry, but Camille might not make this."

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