Chapter 17- The little arrival

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"Congratulations Missus Jones" says the nurse as she hands to Camille a little baby girl. "Shes a good weight and height. Perfect health, she is!" Camille smiles and takes her precious daughter in her arms. It had been half an hour since she had given birth to her adorable little daughter, and she was a little tired. Camille kisses her daughter on the forehead.

"My little girl..." she whispers, tears welling up in her eyes. Jarrod puts a hand on Camille's shoulder. "She's gorgeous." Jarrod nods, a lump in his throat so tight he can't talk, only cry slightly. A knock in the door wakes them from their little daydream and the two look up to see Casey, Lily, Theo and RJ walk though quietly.

"Hey! Congratulations you two" whispers Lily as she sees the little girl in Camille's arms. "Oh my gosh, she's adorable!" Jarrod and Camille only nod in response.

"Have you named her yet?" asks RJ as he sits down in a chair next to her bed along with the others. Jarrod shakes his head.

"We can't decide on a name" replies Camille "Theres just too many to choose from." Casey eyes the little girl and speaks up.

"How about Freya?" Casey suggests "I think that would suit her." Lily, Theo and RJ all rejoice in agreement and Jarrod nods.

"That's a perfect name... Freya. Yeah, I like that!" Camille adds. "Freya Rose Jones... thats a perfect name for a perfect little girl." Camille kisses her child on the forehead. "My little Freya."

Freya's long tufts of black hair covered her ears and a small part covered one of her green brown eyes. She was perfect, as the nurse had said. And by god she was. She looked adorable, her eyes sparkled brightly and she had little freckles that covered her cheeks and nose like a little blanket. Camille was in awe at her adorable little baby, and Jarrod was chocked up with emotions.

"I can't believe you had a little girl Camille. A little while back you were quite alone weren't you?" points out RJ. Camille nods. "And now you have a husband and a daughter; everything's going up in the world."

"She's so cute. She's almost a spitting image of you Camille" says Casey. He ruffles little Freya's hair and she giggles. Lily coos.

"I only have a few freckles though, not a whole blanket of them!" Camille points out with a chuckle. "But I see what you mean. She has my hair after all."

"And she has my eyes." Jarrod looks at Freya and Camille with admiration. "It's amazing to see how far we've all got. And it'll only get better from here." Camille nods.

"It's been a long twisted path hasn't it? But look at the bright side, Dai Shi has been defeated along with all his troops and minions. It's all over for him, and a new beginning for us" says Dominic as he appears through the door with Guin.

"Hey Dom! Where's the others?" asks Theo.

"Mele and Fran are looking after the parlour. The two of them both say congratulations."

Guin squeals when she sees Freya. "Oh my gosh she's so cute!" Guin coos.

Everyone chuckles as even Dom's manliness dies away; Then again, all the boys had lost their manliness ever since they entered the room. Lily was on the verge of squealing excitedly, Camille was crying, Casey and Jarrod could barely speak with that lump in their throats, Theo and Dom were loosing their calmness and RJ seemed to be the only one who wasn't having a fit. Everyone was amazed at how far everyone had come.

Casey; He wasn't the lone cub anymore, he was the red ranger with the powerful spirit of the tiger.

Lily; She wasn't the girl who would happily dance rather than fight anymore, was now the yellow ranger with the speedy spirit of the cheetah.

Theo; He wasn't the no-nonsense lad anymore, he was the blue ranger with the tough spirit of the jaguar.

RJ; He wasn't the riddling back-up anymore, he was the wolf ranger with the courage-filled spirit of the wolf.

Dominic; He wasn't the troublesome traveller anymore, he was the rhino ranger with the strong spirit of the rhino.

Camille; She wasn't a follower of Dai Shi anymore, she had the cunning spirit of the chameleon along with the strength of the ice dragon.

Jarrod; He wasn't a vessel for evil or a bully anymore, he had the power of the mighty lion on his side.

Everyone was powerful in their own way. Every one of them had an animal spirit that could rival any evil. They had come so far to get where they were at this point in time. And things were only going to get better.

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