Chapter 21- The Eagle wants to fly

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-Rose's POV-

Dad is coming today to check on me. Everyone has sworn to keep my dancing instead of training stay a secret and for the sake of everything, RJ has got Fran to head out for the weekend to see her family so she wouldn't accidentally say about it. Everyone is quite excited to see Dad for some reason. I don't know why.

RJ's been giving me a crash course with the wolf technique all morning so I know what to do. It's not too hard but trying to be able to have proper hand, feet and eye co-ordination is pretty difficult. RJ and Lily say it's a bit like dancing; I see where they're coming from with that. When I dance, I have to be fast and swift, making sure my actions with my hands are almost as fast as my speed. Only being able to see through one eye is hard, but I get a bit of an advantage with the boa weapon; I kick ass with it!

I'm a little nervous, but I know that I can gain my Dad's love and admiration when I show him how far I've come. He knows about my first place, but doesn't know that I dance rather than train. I hope he won't be mad.

-Normal POV-

The door opens and RJ appears with Master Swoop. Everyone goes to greet him like they do with the other masters whenever they come over.

"Where's the little eagle then?" Swoop asks as he sits down.

"She and Camille are around here somewhere" replies Theo "I don't know where."

"I think they're outside" Mele imputs "But I'm not too sure." As Mele says that, theres two giggles and everyone looks up. Rose appears, hanging upside down on a beam next to Camille, who appears. The two of them laugh and everyone else chuckles. Rose floats down and Camille jumps, landing neatly. "Here they are!"

Jarrod looks at Mele. "Hey, only I'm allowed to be blunt and obvious to the point like that!" he says. Everyone laughs. Mele giggles and shoots a look as if to say "Whatever". Camille senses this and gives Mele that big sister look that shuts her up, while it's Rose who gives Jarrod a glassy-eyed stare that sends a small shiver down his spine, like it does with everyone else.

"So, how have you been Rose?" asks Swoop. Rose sits herself down beside him, kneeling down so she's on her knees looking up at him.

"I've been great, thanks." Rose gives him an innocent grin. "Everything has been going great! Uncle RJ has been teaching me the wolf technique and I think I'm getting the hang of it." Rose then turns to Camille. "Camille have you told Master Swoop about Freya?"

"No not yet." Swoop looks at Camille and Jarrod, confused. "Freya is our daughter. Speaking of Freya, I think I'll go check on her now. She's probably woken from her little nap." Camille and Jarrod both get to their feet and head off to their room. Swoop smiles.

"To think they were once your enemies. Now, they're like your family aren't they?" He looks at the group, who nod eagerly. Swoop then turns to Rose. "So... any hobbies Rose?"

Rose turns a little paler. "N-No, just pratice thats all!" she stammers quickly. The rangers all look at each other, RJ making "hush" motions towards the others. Swoop looks confused.

"Rose, is there something you haven't told me?"

"No! Why would i keep things from you?" Rose looks flustered and a little nervous. A stern look from her dad though makes her sigh. She turns to the others. "Shall I tell him?"

The rangers all look at each other. Casey nods. "You should. It'll let yourself ease a bit." Lily and Theo both nod in agreement.

"Casey's right Rose. If you tell him, you'll be more relaxed." Mele says. RJ and Guin both nod and grin at the shy Rose.

"Alright, I think i will." Rose looks at her dad and sighs. "I... I do dancing in my spare time. I rarely train as much as I did before but I swear I've been trying!" Rose stammers, looking alarmed and frightened at what her dad would say. "You know I won 1st place at a contest... It was because I was dancing instead of training." She looks down at the floor. "I'm sorry dad, I just... I was too scared to tell you."

Swoop looks at his upset daughter. He kneels down in front of her and hugs her tightly. "My little Rosie, if its your choice to dance then I'm not gonna stop you. You control your own life, not me. I know you don't wanna upset me but you can still tell me this, okay?"

Rose looks up at her dad and nods tearfully. "I love you dad."

"Love you too Rose."

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