Chapter 16-Stripes across the heart

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BANG BANG BANG!! A smashing on the door awoke Jarrod and Camille at 7:30am in the morning. Camille was an early riser, so she didn't mind much, but it took Camille a good ten minutes to drag Jarrod up, giving in and proceeding to throwing water over him in the end to wake him up.

"Come ON lazy bones! Today's a big day!" Camille says with a groan as she pulls the duvet free from the half-asleep lion. "We're gonna try and get our stripes today! Jarrod wake up and GET UP!" Finally, he gives in and gets up, though he's annoyed and cranky.

"C'mon Camille, I know your excited and all, but its 7:30 in the morning!" He moans, getting to his feet.

"But Jarrod, we have to be there by 8am! If we're late, maybe they won't accept!" Camille says as she goes into the Pai Zhua uniform she had. It was similar to the Lily's, but instead of yellow, it was an emerald green. She brushes her hair out and, using her chameleon spirit abilities, changes her black hair into a short, practical hairstyle. "Remember, Pai Zhua can't afford to be late to ANY situation!"

Jarrod laughs. "What did I tell you about fitting in perfectly? You fitted in the first day at the academy." Camille grins.

"I know I did. Now, get up and get dressed! I'm not gonna be late!" And with that, Camille walks out the room.

-30 minutes later-

Camille sat on the step, relaxing. She was getting a little nervous, but was remaining calm. This was it. Her chance to prove her chameleon spirit was stronger than anything else she had. Her ice dragon was just a power up for her chameleon spirit; she was already a master of that, but her chameleon spirit? The spirit that was forever in her heart and soul, she was praying would get her through this. Camille turns as she notices Casey coming and sitting down next to her. "Hey Camille."

"Hi Casey. What's the matter?" Casey puts a hand on Camille's shoulder.

"Camille, I need to tell you something. I know your Jarrod's girlfriend, and your closer than anything, but trust me when I tell you this; You have to do this alone. Copying his moves and doing what he does will only stop you from getting your stripes. You have to do your own thing, you have to use your own moves and keep your eyes on your opponant, alright?"

Camille nods. She undersands she shouldn't copy Jarrod, yet she has always been a bit of a copycat most her life. "Ok. I'll do my best. Thanks Casey." Casey smiles.

"No problem. You've had slightly less Pai Zhua training than the rest of us, even Jarrod, so i wanted to make sure you were alright." He pauses. "Nervous?"

"No... maybe. OK, yeah I am nervous. I just don't want to fail. I'd be the only one out of you all who doesn't have their stripes."

"Hey, you still have your Ice Dragon spirit stripes."

"Yeah but thats just a power boost... the stripes only show the power I have. The stripes of the chameleon... that's my test today." Camille looks down. "I don't know if I'm gonna do it." Casey takes her hand.

"Hey now, I know you can do it. I mean, you managed to dislodge Jarrod from Dai Shi. Hell, you attacked Dai Shi head on!"

"And was almost killed Casey. If it wasn't for you, I would be dead right now..." Casey lifts her head up so his eyes meet hers.

"But you tried, that's all that mattered. You did your best and you and Jarrod weakened him enough for us to destroy him. Your a hero Camille." Camille smiles a little.

"I'm a hero?" Camille whispers, "I am, aren't I?" Camille seems to light up at the thought. Casey chuckles.

"You'll do fine Camille. I know you will."

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