Chapter Six

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A/N Good morning! Well, it's morning for me right now, but I don't know what time it is for you guys so, Good morning/afternoon/evening/night! Starting at this chapter, and stopping who knows when, might get a little boring at times because this is when we're looking at Abby's life at home. Just a thought, do you guys read these A/N's? I read them in peoples stories, but I want to know if you guys do. The song is Northern Lights by Jaymes Young. Enjoy the chapter!

We pull up to my house and I just stare at it and sigh. "Oh, I almost forgot, do you have a phone?" Tyler asks me. "Um, I have a flip phone, it's not with me but I have my number memorized. Why?" I say. "So we can give you our numbers." Josh answers for Tyler. "O-okay." I stutter. I really need to get this stuttering under control.

We exchange numbers and I get out of the vehicle. Josh gets out and grabs my bag from the back, and Tyler get out and hugs me. "If you ever need anything, just let us know, Okay?" Tyler says. I nod. I grab my bag from Josh and hug him. "Okay Josh. I can't really breathe right now." I say. "Oh, sorry." says and let's go.

"I need to go inside now, but hopefully I'll see you guys again?" I say. "You'll see us again, don't worry." Josh says. I smile at them, tell them bye and went inside my house. I made sure to say bye to them and not goodbye. Telling them bye is not a good thing, therefore I didn't say goodbye, Just bye because saying badbye sounds really weird.

I walk into into the living room and see my younger brother on his computer, swearing at the game even though he's not supposed to. I head to my room, but see the door closed so I don't go in. I share a room with my sister. By share I mean my clothes go in there and that's it. I sleep on the couch in the family room. (Do you guys have that? We have a living room and a family room, but in books, I always only see a living room, so I don't know if some houses have just living rooms or something.)

My dad is at work, my older brother is in his room, and my mom is in the kitchen reading something. I walk in the kitchen, she see's me and becomes angry. "Where the heck were you?!" She yells. "I-I was just a-at a friends h-house." I stutter, this time not because of nervousness, but because of fear. She scoffs. "A friends house? What friends, you have none." My mom says. "Y-yes I d-do." Suddenly I feel a stinging feeling on my face. "Don't you EVER talk back to me." She says. She slapped me, it's not a surprise, this is nothing new, but it still hurts.

"Just clean the house and wait for your father to get home. Then you'll get your punishment." She says, after hitting me again. I nod, fearing that if I talk I'll cry, then I'll get a punishment now as well. I clean the house for the rest of the day. The stinging feeling in my face and my foot slow me down, but she doesn't care.

A few hours later, I finish making dinner and hear a vehicle pulling into the drive way. I finish setting the table and go into the bathroom. 'Are you hiding? You know you deserve what's going to happen soon' The voice in my head says. "I know." I quietly say. I walk out of the bathroom. As I'm turning the corner to get out of the laundry room, I see my dad. He see's me as well, and turns very angry.

"Where the heck did you go?!" He yells. I have basically the same conversation with him as I did with my mom. Except that it ended very differently. I lay on the laundry room floor, whole body aching. He punched me three times before throwing me to the ground and kicking me repeatedly. Then he put his hands around my throat and told me I am worthless, a screw up, and I never will amount to anything. Then he kicked my head and I blacked out.

I lay there for a few hours, not being able to get up. I wait to make sure that everyone is asleep or at least in bed, before trying to get up. After three attempts, I finally get off the ground and make my way outside in our back yard. I have my flip phone and my bag from earlier. I look in my bag to see if I have a blanket, all I see are two shirts, a pair of shorts, a pair of jeans, and... Tyler's hoodie?!

'Oh frick' I think. I forgot to give Tyler his hoodie back. Oh well, if I ever see him again I can give it back. I take it out of my bag and put it on, making sure I don't get any blood on it. I know I'm bleeding, but I don't really care right now, besides it's not enough for me to bleed out and die.

I go up to our fort in the back yard, figuring that ti's probably an okay place to sleep tonight, I don't really want to sleep inside. 

(This is what the fort thing looks like

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(This is what the fort thing looks like.)

I go to the top and lay down, using my bag as a pillow. I'm about to fall asleep when I hear my phone go off. I groan and take my phone out of my pocket and look at it.

Unknown: Hey Abby! It's Tyler

Me: Oh hey Tyler! Let me change your contact in my phone.

I change it to Tyler, I thought about doing something like TyJo, but I decided to just keep it simple, for now at least.

Tyler: Okay, let me do the same.

Me: Okay, what are you doing awake btw?

Tyler: I could ask the same thing.

I think for a moment about what I should say.

Me: But I asked you first.

Tyler: Fair, I'm still awake because Josh is still awake. Why are you still awake?

I think for a moment, do I tell him the truth? I decide that he doesn't really need to know.

Me: I just can't sleep.

I answer, I probably should've said something else, but I couldn't think of something.

Me: Why is Josh awake?

Tyler: That's a secret ;)

Oh great.

Me: Is it a secret because you're both watching My Little Pony and you don't want anyone else to know?

Tyler: Welp, you guessed it, but you can't tell anyone else.

Me: Why not? It might help people write fanfiction.

I type back, I know he's lying. They could be watching My Little Pony, who knows. But that's not the reason they're both awake at 2 in the morning.

Tyler: I think they already have enough ideas.

Me: Well, I'm going to try and sleep, goodnight Tyler!

Me: Oh, and tell Josh I said goodnight as well.

Tyler: Goodnight!

I turned off my phone and just stared up at the stars. There is a part in the roof of the fort that broke a while ago, so now you can see the sky. I look for constellations until I eventually fall asleep.

A/N WOW that took a while to type. I'll try and update more today. Also, at the part where she's getting kind of... beat, do you think that needs a trigger warning? I don't always know what things do and don't need a warning, so if you think so, please let me know so I can add it in. Another thing, none of these things has ever happened to me, I've been abused or anything thankfully, it's just for the story.

Stay alive |-/

Oh, and don't forget to eat something <3

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