Chapter Twelve

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A/N So um, sorry I haven't updated at all yet today, I was kinda busy reading and listening to music, so I might have forgotten to write at least one chapter. So here it is!

Also, go check out these three fanfics. One is Flowers by 

Another one is We Will Fly Away by norequiem. (It won't let me @ another person.)

And then one called Haunted and Flawed by bastille_sheeran. It is a fanfic about a band called Bastille, so if you like them go check out the story. And even if you don't like them, go check out the story. (If you want to of course, I can't and wouldn't force you too.)

The song is The Draw by Bastille. Enjoy the chapter!

I wake up-wait, I fell asleep?- and look outside the window. It was dark outside so I checked what time it was. 1:25 am. Wow, I slept for a while, for once. I rub my eyes and get out of bed. I quietly go downstairs to see if anyone is still awake. I look around and don't see anyone. I shrug and suddenly remember that it's July 2nd today. I slightly smile to myself. It's my birthday today, I turn 13. 'Maybe I'll tell Tyler or Josh.' I think to myself.

'Why would they care? They don't like you, they just pity you. You know this as well as I do.' The voice in my head says. "I know." I quietly say. The voice laughs. 'Do you actually think they like you? Why would they like a worthless, fat, ugly, stupid, waste of space like you?' It says.

Tears start to form in my eyes. "Go away." I say. 'You know that will never happen unless yo-" I cut it off. "I'm not going to kill myself. I am not going to let you win." I say quietly, hoping no one hears me. The voice scoffs. 'You'd like to think that, wouldn't you.' It says.


  I can't take it anymore, I know one other way to shut the voice up for a little bit. I head to my room, and grab the razor that's hidden in my bag still. I go into the bathroom and lock the door. I drag the cold blade across my skin, pushing down.

Crimson run down my arm. Eight cuts on my right arm, and seven cuts on both of my legs. I quickly put bandages on each cut and clean up the mess.


I went back to my room and laid down on the bed. I fell asleep around 4 am, and I was right. The voice didn't say anything at all.

The next morning I put on my new jacket and a few bracelets just in case, and went down stairs. I was going to make breakfast again, but I saw Jenna was already working on making food. I walked in the kitchen and smiled at her.

"Oh, good morning Abby!" She said, smiling at me. "Did you sleep well?" She asked. "Yes." I lied. "How about you?" I asked. "I slept fine, other then Tyler snoring a bit." She said with a small laugh at the end, I just nodded. "Do you need help with anything?" I asked. "Can you set the table?" She asked. I nodded and grabbed three plates, cups and forks. "Only three?" Jenna asked me, referring to how I grabbed three plates instead of four. "I'm not very hungry, I wasn't planning on eating breakfast if that's okay." I said, really hoping she wouldn't make me eat.

"Oh, yeah that's okay." She said, I nodded and set the table then went back to my room. Well, it's not my room, it's the guest room, but whatever. I just sit up there for a couple hours listening to music and reading.

I decide I should probably go downstairs and at least say hi to everyone. I go down and sit on the couch in the living room next to Tyler. I smile at him and he smiles back and says hello, then goes back to whatever he was doing on his phone. After a few minutes of debating with myself, I decide to ask Tyler.

"Can we make a cake today?" I ask. He looks up at me, looking a little confused. "Sure, is there a specific reason?" Tyler asked. I was hoping he would ask, but at the same time I was hoping he wouldn't. "U-um, it's m-my birthday today..." I stammered. He suddenly smiled. "Why didn't you tell me sooner? Happy birthday!" He said, still smiling. I just shrugged.

He suddenly had an idea. "Well, I'll go tell Jenna we need to get stuff for a cake then." He said and stood up. He walked outside where Josh and Jenna were. I walked that way as well to hear them, Tyler was in the middle of saying that it's my birthday, when Josh suddenly ran to me and hugged me and told me happy birthday, pretty loudly I must add.

I hugged him back and told him thank you, and he let go. Josh walked back to where Tyler and Jenna are and I followed him. "So we'll need to go to the store to either buy a cake or get things to make a cake." Tyler said. Jenna nodded and then told me happy birthday. I smiled at her and thanked her.

Tyler suddenly pulled Josh aside and said something to him, I didn't hear what they were saying, but it made Josh happy, whatever it was. "Tyler and I are going to go get something from the store." Josh said. "Abby and I will go to the store and get a cake." They both nodded and went to get ready to leave.

Jenna turned to me. "So what do you wan't for lunch and dinner?" She asked. "Why am I picking?" I asked. She smiled. "Because it's your birthday! My family always let the person who's birthday that day choose all of the meals that day." I nodded, and then shrugged. "I guess we could find something at the store." I say. She nods.

Tyler and Josh said told us bye and then headed out. Jenna and I decided we would go to the store in twenty minutes or so. I went upstairs and got ready. I put on skinny jeans with a dark blue shirt and I put my jacket back on. I pulled my hair back into a ponytail, put on my flip-flops and continued to read my book until Jenna told me that it was time to leave.

A/N Hello! Again, I'm really sorry about not updating earlier today. This will also probably be the only update today. I'm kind of running out of ideas at the moment. No, let me rephrase that, I have plenty ideas but actually writing it and make it sound good in a story makes it kind of hard, which makes me unmotivated. But I still wanted to get at least one update today.

I never know how to end these, so I'm just going to say bye now. Bye!

Stay alive |-/

Oh, and don't forget to eat something <3

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