Chapter Forty Five

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A/N I am so so so so so sorry for not updating in forever! I haven't had any ideas, I'm not in a very good mental state, I haven't really had any motivation and I've been sick. Well, I am still sick, just not as bad. Plus I got addicted to a show, Sherlock, you should really check it out if you haven't. It doesn't have many seasons or episodes, but it's really good. Again, I'm really sorry, please forgive me.

The song is Not Alone by RED. Enjoy the chapter!

"I win!" Josh yelled out as he threw his hands up in the air. Tyler grumbled. They were playing a card game, and Josh had won for the third time in a row. Jenna and I laughed at them. I stopped laughing very quickly. I gasped in pain, which no one noticed. It hurt to laugh, or do anything really. It was in the evening, and we hadn't gotten any word of when I could leave, so we had just been playing cards and watching Netflix to pass the time. Tyler grabbed all the cards and started shuffling them again. "I'm going to beat you this time, I know it!" He said. Josh chuckled. "Ty, you've been saying that for the past three games." Tyler rolled his eyes. "Yeah, but I know I'm going to win this time, I can feel it!" Josh just sighed at that. They continued to bicker as they started the round.

I had zoned out, lost in my thoughts, so I had jumped when Tyler yelled out. "Ha! I told you I was going to win!" Josh rolled his eyes. "You get so competitive, you know that?" Tyler smirked at that. They cleaned up the cards that had been thrown to the floor, and started another game. The door opened, cutting the round short. Everyone turned their attention to the door. Cindy, the nurse, came in with another doctor. Tyler and Jenna got up. They headed over to the doctor and he started telling them some things, which I couldn't hear. Cindy came over to me, so did Josh. She smiled at me. I forced a smile back. She lightly grabbed my arms and started to take the bandaging off. When I had gotten beaten, they had opened several cuts. They didn't have to be stitched up, but they did need bandages. Once she took them off, she grabbed some more and started to re-bandage them. As she was doing that, Tyler, Jenna, and the doctor came over to us. "Good news! As soon as you get some new bandages and get unhooked from everything, you're free to go!" He said cheerfully. I smiled and nodded. When Cindy finished with my arms, she moved onto my head, which had a small cloth around it. She carefully took it off and put it aside. "Can you lift up your shirt a bit sweetie?" She asked. I nodded and did as she asked. I lifted my shirt up just under my chest which revealed, yet again, more bandages. (Anyone want to count how many times I've used the word bandage?) It was some sort of cloth thing that wrapped around my stomach and ribs. She took it off, then put another one on. 

She took the IV and a few other wires out. She stood back and smiled. "There you go honey, you're free to go!" She said to me. I smiled and thanked her. The doctor told Tyler and Jenna a few more things before leaving, Cindy following him. Josh grabbed his bag and took something out of it. "Here, I brought you some clothes for you to change into." He said. He handed me the clothes. It was Tyler's old hoodie that he had given me, I smiled at that, and a pair of loose jogging pants which obviously were not used for jogging. I thanked him before slowly getting up and out of the bed. I grabbed the clothes before stumbling over to the bathroom. I got in the room and closed the door behind me. I slowly changed, pain shooting through my body with each movement. 

I finally finished and walked out. They had gotten everything they brought packed back into the bag. "You ready?" Tyler asked. I nodded. I slipped on my shoes before we left the room. I was having a bit of trouble walked, so Josh had me lean against him. He insisted on carrying me on his back, but I said no. We got to the front desk and Tyler signed some discharge papers (I don't know if you have to do that, but just go with it) before we left. When Tyler was signing them, Josh had gotten the car so I didn't have to walk across the parking lot. 

We all got in the car and Josh started driving home. "Do you want to get anything to eat?" Tyler asked me. I shrugged. He sighed. I had barely eaten anything while I was in the hospital, so he would probably make me eat something. "How about we go to Wendy's." Josh said. Everyone agreed. After a bit, we found one, which was harder to get to than you might think. We decided to go through the drive-thru. We all told Josh what we wanted and he ordered. When we got our food, we sat in the parking lot to eat.

Once Josh finished, he started driving again. I didn't really feel like eating that much, so I ate a few fries and a frosty before setting the rest of the food aside. I sat back in my seat and looked out the window, watching the world speed by. Josh turned the radio on, and I focused on the music, trying to understand what they were saying. After a while I gave up and closed my eyes, letting the movement of the car lull me to sleep.

A/N Hello! I know this chapter isn't very long, but hey it's still a chapter. I don't know when the next one will be, but I'll try not to let weeks go by without one. Have a good day everyone, and if it's past by the next time I update, happy thanksgiving!

Stay alive |-/

Oh, and don't forget to eat something <3

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