Chapter Forty One

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A/N The song is Wake Up by NF, I know I'm putting a lot of NF songs, I'll get some variety next chapter. Enjoy the chapter!

I groggily opened by eyes. My throat was sore and scratchy and my eyes felt heavy. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. I got up and stumbled over to the door. I walked out into the hallway and leaned against the wall. I heard someone in the shower, and someone talking downstairs. I went down and saw Jenna talking on the phone and Josh at the table eating cereal. I walked over to him and sat down next to him, laying my head on the table. "Tired?" He asked. I nodded. "It's Saturday, you can go back to bed." He said with a slight laugh. "I know." I said. Josh just shrugged and continued eating.

A couple minutes later, Tyler came down the stairs, his hair soaking wet. He said something to Jenna, then Josh, and then he poked me on the shoulder before going into the kitchen. He grabbed a bowl and put some cereal in it, and grabbed two water bottles from the fridge. He came over to the table and sat down, pushing one of the water bottles over to me. I grabbed it and took a drink.

Jenna sat down with her cereal as well as she ended the call. "That was Linda, she said her dad was in a crash and is in the hospital. When I finish eating I'm going to go see them." She said. Linda was one of Jenna's friends, I had never met her. "Alright, Josh and I were going to go to the studio today." Tyler said. I looked up from the table. "What am I going to do?" I asked. Tyler thought for a moment. "Well, you can either go with Josh and I, or you can stay home. Unless you want to sit in the waiting area at the hospital for a few hours." He said. I nodded. "I think I'm going to stay home." I said. "Don't you want to hear are flawless recordings?" Josh jokingly asked. I laughed. "I'm sure they're amazing, but I want sleep more than part of  a song stuck in my head all day." I said. Josh smiled. "Fair." He said before getting up and putting his bowl away.

When everyone finished eating they all got up and headed up or downstairs to get ready. I headed into the living room and sat down. I sat there for a bit, just thinking. Josh came up the stairs and sat on the couch to put his shoes on. "Are you going to be alright alone?" He asked. I nodded. "Why wouldn't I be?" I asked. He didn't say anything. Tyler and Jenna came downstairs. "You ready?" Tyler asked Josh. He nodded. He got up and grabbed his jacket before going outside. Jenna did the same. Tyler grabbed his jacket and put it on. "Be good, okay? Don't burn the house down." He said with a smile. I laughed. "I'll, but no promises." I said. He gave me a small hug. "Call me if you need anything." He said before going outside, locking and closing the door after him.

I went upstairs and into my room. I grabbed my ukulele and my iPod. I went to YouTube and looked up tuning videos. It took me a bit to get it all the way tuned, but I eventually got it. Then I went to a channel and looked at the tutorials. I picked Screen to start, and watched where the girl in the video put her fingers. 

After an hour or so of trying to learn different songs, I set down my uke with a sigh. I grabbed my iPod and left my room. I went downstairs and into the sun room. We didn't use it that much, it just had some chairs and a piano. I sat down at the piano and pressed a key. I had played a bit of piano when I was younger, so I knew which key was which, and I knew how to read notes. I took my iPod out of my pocket and looked up sheet music. I found Truce and started working on the right hand first.

By the time I had spent an hour trying to learn it, I could only do the first four bars hands together. I sighed. I heard car doors, and the front door open. I got up and walked out into the living room. I saw Josh and Tyler coming through the door. Tyler saw me and smiled. "Hey! The house isn't burning!" He jokingly said. Josh smiled. I glared at them. I walked over to them and slightly hit them both on the arm. "What was that for?" They both asked at the same time. "That, was for making your guys' songs so fricking hard to play." I said. They looked at each other, then at me. I sighed. "I tried learning songs on the uke, and then the piano. And it was really hard." I said. Tyler smiled. "You tried learning some of our songs?" He asked. I nodded. "Y'know, you could just ask us to teach you the songs." He said. I sighed. "I know, but I wanted to try to learn some on my own." I said. "Did you?" Josh asked as he took his jacket off. "Not really." I said. They finished taking their shoes and jackets off. "Well, let's go try them again." Tyler said before heading to the sun room. Josh followed him, me trailing behind the both of them.

A/N I know, it's kind of an odd place to end. I didn't really know what to do for this chapter. The next one though, will hopefully have more to it, not just a filler chapter. Have a good day everyone!

Stay alive |-/

Oh, and don't forget to eat something <3

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