Chapter Thirty Seven

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A/N The song is Therapy Session by NF. Enjoy the chapter!

I looked down at the paper in front of me, trying desperately to remember what treaty ended the war of 1812. I looked around me, seeing all of the other kids already on questions farther down the page. I had studied for the test, but I was too distracted to think clearly.

The clock in the room was ticking, reminding me of every second that I'm not able to answer the question. My arms were aching, and my sides were burning with pain. This was the last class of the day, which was always the most painful class. The beatings weren't as bad today, but everything still stung.

The bell went off, and I still had three questions left. I quickly filled in some answers and grabbed my bag before getting up. I gave the teacher the test pages and left the room. I went through the mob of students until I finally got to the front doors. I walked outside and looked around the parking lot. I didn't see Tyler's car, so I sat down in the grass, waiting for him to show.

After about ten minutes of waiting, I finally saw him pull into the parking lot. I stood up and walked over to the car. I got in and tossed the bag into the back seat and and pulled the seat belt over me. "How was school?" He asked. I shrugged. "Nothing new. What took so long to get here?" I asked. "There was a car accident, which slowed down traffic." He said. "Do we have to go through that area to get home?" I asked. He shook his head. "There's another way we can go." He started the car again and turned on the radio before exiting the parking lot.

We got home and, as usual, I went up to my room. I grabbed my iPod and went to the YouTube app. I looked through my notifications and saw that someone was live, so I started watching the stream. I grabbed a notebook and started writing in it as I watched.

After watching the stream, I turned on some music and continued writing. I wrote down some story ideas, I wrote down my thoughts, I doodled, I did whatever I could think of. By the end of it, I had three pages completely filled. I paused my music and fell back into my pillows with a sigh. I pulled up the blanket and closed my eyes, ending up falling asleep.

When I woke up, the sun was beginning to set. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. I heard the door open a bit and I looked over. I saw Jenna peaking through the door. "Oh good, you're awake!" She said happily. I tiredly smiled before yawning. She laughed a bit at that. "Dinner's ready." She said before leaving the room. I got up and went downstairs.

I walked over to the dining room and saw Tyler setting the table. "Hey sleepyhead!" He said. I didn't say anything. I rubbed my eyes again. I was extremely tired. Josh came into the room and sat down at the table. I sat down next to him. Tyler and Jenna and sat down as well. Josh prayed and everyone began to eat. I mainly pushed the food around my plate, but when Tyler kept looking over at me, I started eating a bit.

After dinner, I helped Jenna clear the table. "Anyone want to watch a movie?" Josh asked as he went over to the tv. "Sure." I said and sat down on the couch. Josh grabbed the remote and tossed it to me. "Pick something." He said. I sighed. He smiled. I went to Netflix and searched through, looking for something to watch. Tyler and Jenna came over and sat down, Jenna sat next to Josh and began showing him something on her phone while Tyler sat down next to me.

"I can't find any good movies to watch." I said after a while of searching. "Well, what about a good show?" Josh said. I smiled a bit. "Anyone want to watch  Supernatural?" I asked. I was almost finished (The end of season 12 is really sad btw). "Sure." Tyler said. I smiled and turned it on.

We had watched two episodes when Josh decided we needed popcorn. "We just ate." I said to him. "You can always eat popcorn." He said as he headed to the kitchen. I rolled my eyes and laughed a bit at him. As we were watching, I began to get pretty hot in the hoodie I was wearing. 'They already know about the cuts, I can take my hoodie off...right?' I thought. 'That might not be a good idea though.' I debated with myself for a bit before deciding to take it off.

I had been leaning on Tyler, so I sat up. I grabbed the bottom of the hoodie and pulled it up, making sure my shirt didn't come up with it. I took the hoodie all the way off the laid it across my lap. This was the first time in a while that my arms weren't covered up. I pulled my legs up and sat on my feet and went back to leaning against Tyler. I looked up at him and saw him smiling.

Tyler's POV

"I'm gonna go make some popcorn." Josh said as he got up. We were watching Supernatural, which was Abby's favorite show. She was leaning up against me, with her head almost on my shoulder. "We just ate." She said to Josh. He smiled at her. "You can always eat popcorn." He said before heading to the kitchen. She rolled her eyes. I smiled at the two of them.

I turned my focus back to TV when Abby sat up. I looked over at her. She took her hoodie off and made sure her shirt was down before leaning back against me. I smiled. I was proud of  her for being able to do that with us around. I put my arm around her and pulled into a small hug, the smile never leaving my face.

A/N Hello! I have a few ideas for chapter coming up, so get ready for that! Also, in case any of you did check out NF or you already listen to his music, he's going on tour soon. I'm going to try to go, I just have to convince my parents to let me go. Wish me luck!

Stay alive |-/

Oh, and don't forget to eat something <3

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