Chapter Forty Two

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A/N I'm unbelievably tired, in my comfy-ish chair, and I have a soft Ohio State blanket over me. And I'm going to try to make this a longer chapter, but I'm tired and not feeling very creative, so I apologize in advance if this chapter ends up being really bad and really short.

The song is a "remix" of the song Ride by Twenty One Pilots, the remix was made by Tyler Joseph. Enjoy the chapter!

I stared at the wall in front of me, resting my head of the wall behind me. I sat on the bed, thinking. My face was sticky from the dry tears on my face. I had another nightmare, but that was hours ago. I hadn't slept at all since then. Now, the sun was just starting to come up, painting the sky with pastel pinks and oranges. I wiped my eyes and stared down at my wrists. I had done it again, and I didn't even try to stop myself. I could feel my pulse in the wounds, making the pain rise. 

I pulled my jacket sleeves down and covered my hands. I brought my legs up to my chest and rested my head on my knees. After a little while, I lifted my head and saw the sun up higher. I looked over at my clock, '7:02'. I pulled the covers away, wincing when my arm came in contact with the blanket. I got up and headed to the door. I opened it and went out into the hallway. I walked downstairs and headed into the kitchen. Josh was making coffee, and Tyler was eating cereal. They smiled at me when I came in. I opened the fridge and took a water bottle. "You hungry?" Tyler asked. I shook my head. "Did you sleep well?" Josh asked. I shook my head again. Tyler looked up at me. "Another nightmare?" He mouthed. I nodded. He set his bowl on the counter and got up. He pulled me into a small hug. I hugged him back before he let me go. I grabbed my water bottle and headed upstairs.

I got into my room and shut the door. I went over to my closet and opened the door. I grabbed a pair of skinny jeans and a black t-shirt. I changed and fixed my hair. I put socks on and grabbed a beanie and my bag before going downstairs. I slipped my shoes on and put the gray beanie on before going back in the kitchen. "Do you want some coffee? You look extremely tired." Josh said. I shook my head. I stood there awkwardly for a bit. I got tired of the silence, so I walked into the living room where Tyler was putting his shoes on. Once he finished, he stood up and grabbed his jacket. He put it on and opened the door. "We're leaving!" He called out before going outside. I grabbed my bag and headed outside, closing the door behind me.

We got into the car and Tyler turned on the radio. He backed out of the driveway and started headed to the school. "Are you wanting to go trick or treating?" He asked. I shrugged. "Well, it's the first of October, so you have plenty of time to decide." He said. I nodded. I looked out the window and watched everything go by as we drove.

We arrived at the school and I got out, grabbed my bag, and headed towards the doors. Before I went inside, I saw the main kid out of the bullies. His dad was yelling at him. I almost felt bad for him. I continued on my way and headed inside.

I got to my first class and sat down. The girls who tried to come over the other day were in the front, looking back and glaring daggers at me. I pulled my beanie down farther and sunk into the chair. The teacher came in and said good morning, he didn't really get any responses. He grabbed a stack of papers and started going down the aisles of chairs, putting the papers on people desks. "Today, we have a pop quiz." He said. Everyone groaned. 'Let's get this over with.' I thought. I grabbed my pencil and started.

~Time Skip~

I stood by the cafeteria doors again, waiting for the group to come. I didn't know why I stood there, I didn't know why I just took it. I guess I felt like I deserve it. I don't know what I did to deserve it, but I must have done something.

I saw the group coming, and the one in the middle looked angry beyond belief. I put my hand out to give the bag of food. He took it and threw it on the ground. He didn't say anything. He grabbed me by the arms and shoved me against the wall. He punched me, and kicked me. He spit on me. Then he punched me again, and kicked me again, but this time harder. Harder than ever before.

His friends started helping him, but he shoved them away. He started yelling at them, then at me. I couldn't hear him though. My vision was getting blurry, and everything stung. He started kicking me again. I started crying, begging him to stop. Blood was pouring from my nose, and probably other places too. I started to spit out blood, my mouth tasting like metal. I thought I could hear someone tell him to stop, that it had gone too far. He punched me one last time, and I saw someone rushing to us before I blacked out.

A/N Hey! I know this was a short chapter, along with a cliff hanger, I'm sorry. But I felt like it was needed, and I didn't know what else to write until I got to the end. Sorry. But! The next part will be up on Monday, so you'll have to come back to read!

Please tell me what you think of the story. I'd really like to know. And I don't mean you just saying that it's really good or that you love it. I want to know what you think about it. Even criticism.

Stay alive |-/

Oh, and don't forget to eat something <3

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