Mark 14:6
6 But Jesus replied, "Leave her alone. Why criticize her for doing such a good thing to me? 7 You will always have the poor among you, and you can help them whenever you want to. But you will not always have me."
In every opportunity that comes to us, we should always give our best for the Lord. We must do it with love and sincerity. Our God is the Most Powerful and worthy to be served with love and with all our hearts.
How do we express our faith and worship to God? There are those who are happy to sing for the Lord. There are those who are happy to be involved in church activities, there are those who are happy to play instruments, there are those who kneel to pray. There are those who travel as missionaries. There are those who are already contented by sitting and listening to God's words.
All of these make God happy when we do it all with love and with all our hearts. All of us have our own way of praising God.
Just like the woman who took a jar of a very good perfume to anoint Jesus at Bethany, us too, must give Him the best that we have when we are given the opportunity to serve the Lord. WE MUST NOT HAVE DOUBTS NOR REGRET IN letting go even of the things that we value for God is above all. Answering God's call is not easy. Most of the time, there is pain, trials, persecution, difficulties, and giving up a lot of things that we hold dear. Many judge us especially those who don't understand our ways of expressing our faith and worship to the Lord. What It is sad that sometimes is that those who persecute us are our fellow Christians.
Usually, we are being condemned and persecuted for being "different" because we follow what our hearts tell us to do on how we must show service, praise and worship to the Lord. But it's all worth it. He is worth it.
Who gives us comfort in times of persecution? Jesus himself.
Again, Mark 14:6
6 But Jesus replied, "Leave her alone. Why criticize her for doing such a good thing to me? 7 You will always have the poor among you, and you can help them whenever you want to. But you will not always have me.
Brothers and Sisters in Christ, as long as you worship Jesus, as long as what you're doing is in praise and offering to God, you are doing a good thing for the Lord. Especially if you are give a RARE opportunity to serve the Lord.
Imagine being given the opportunity to anoint Jesus' head? Wouldn't you give Him the best perfume that you have? Just like the woman did. The poor will always be with us. It means, our everyday concern will always be with us. But if we are given a chance to serve the Lord, give it your best. For you might not have that chance again. Grab the opportunity. Don't let it go. In everything that the Lord ask of you. If He asks you to sing or dance or be a preacher, give it your all.
So brothers and sisters, let us all be understanding of our fellow Christians. Let us not be quick to judge if he or she has her own way of expressing faith. For we cannot be a judge of faith. Only Jesus can judge. We can always advise if we think that what our brothers and sisters are doing is really wrong according to our Christian understanding for it is our duty as Christians to our brothers and sisters, but we can never impose anything especially the system and structure of religion that we are used to. For there is no religion in the Kingdom of God. As long as you have Jesus in your heart, you are free to worship. For if we limit ourselves and others' way of worship, then we discriminate the flowers and the stones and other creations of God of praise and worship because they cannot praise God the way we do. We are all one in Him.
Yes. All creation of God has life and so has a soul and they give praise to God. That's why Jesus said in Luke 19:40 when some Pharisees tried to stop the apostles from praising God.
40 He replied, "If they kept quiet, the stones along the road would burst into cheers!"
Here in the House of Christian Fellowship which is the House of God., everybody is welcome. Those who want to freely worship God as the Spirit leads. Let us all remember to be respectful of each other's expression of faith. Let us widen our understanding of others in their expression of faith. For God is big and there are just so many ways to worship Him. We only know a few. For it is not in the ritual of method of our praise that we are measured but in the amount of faith and love that we put into our actions that God will be pleased in our worship and service.
The Warrior Bride
SpiritualAnd the time has come that GOD has risen up a Generation of Revival...The Rise of Warrior Bride that will prepare the way of the Lord. 'In the last days,' God says, 'I will pour out my Spirit upon all people. Your sons and daughters will prophes...