Love Day Everyday

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Alone on Valentine's? No one to celebrate with? Then don't. You'd be blessed even more. Come to think of this: How ironic that the supposed "Day of Love" could make lonely people feel even lonelier and could make others feel rejected, depressed and unloved. It even triggers jealousy and discontent.

The spirit is known by its fruit. If it is of God's then it should bear goodness for all and not only for the few. But for many it gives and triggers the feelings of loneliness, rejection, depression, jealousy and being unloved. What kind of spirit does it bring then?

Often times the celebration tempts people to engage even more in unholy and premarital sexual activities which is a sin to God and could result to unwanted pregnancies, abortion and broken dreams. It conditions the minds of many people to put in effort to buy presents trying to put material things to represent the value of love and affection to another when the love of Christ for us was purchased in blood.

Thanks be to the Holy Spirit for enlightening that everyday is a Day of Love. This is so because Jesus died for you and me and He did it because of Love. WHAT COULD BE GREATER THAN THIS? So cheer up! You're NEVER alone. It's a Love Day EVERYDAY. It's just a day of some "saint" and doesn't even count in the Kingdom of God.

God's love is steadfast. And it is fresh EVERYDAY. We love because God first loved us. So love God first.

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