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In times of our weakness, we will be tempted. Jesus in His moment of physical weakness, the devil tempted Him to turn the bread into stone, to give in to the devil's challenge to jump from the highest point of the temple just to prove His power, and by offering all the kingdoms in the world but must worship the devil in return.

The call to fast does not always mean to fast from eating. The focus on Matthew 4 is not fasting but the temptation of Jesus in His moment of weakness. At that particular time, in the physical, Jesus needed food. And so the devil tempted Him to have it easy and turn the stone into bread. Jesus could have done it easily but He did not. This is what we call DISCIPLINE. To restrain from something just to reach your goal.

Recognize what your goal is and know what your bread represents.. What is your bread/food that you need to give up so that when the moment of tempting comes, you will not give in? What is it that you really need that the devil might offer you the easiest way, but would have the strength to refuse if it will cause you to sin? Cultivate DISCIPLINE to reach the goal/task that God is giving you

Know what triggers your pride and arrogance. Jesus could have jumped and with all His power, angels would come but He didn't give in to the temptation of proving what He can do. We must learn not to be too eager to prove ourselves even when we know we can just to prove ourselves. We must be secure in Jesus and we do not need the approval or applause of anyone. Will you be able to stay humble when a situation presents itself when you would showcase yourself and what you can do. This is a very tricky temptation because we can always say that we do it for God, but who knows if you enjoy the praise and acknowledgement of men. Only you know. Guard your heart against Pride and Arrogance PRACTICE HUMILITY.

Saving the world was the reason why Jesus had to come down on earth and so to be offered the whole world would make everything easy for Him, but he would have to worship the devil. Know that moment when something you really like is being offered so easily to you but would cause you to sin against God. We will be tempted like this. Be wise and PRACTICE SELF-CONTROL.

Know that every temptation is a TEST OF THE HEART. When we are being tested, it means we are about to be GIVEN A BIGGER TASK. Bigger tasks, means BIGGER REWARD. In Jesus' case, it was the start of his public ministry.

Have knowledge of what your weakness is and work on that area that we may become strong when temptation comes. If fasting from food is a form of discipline for you, then cut down on food. When activities take so much of our time from God, cut down on these activities and spend more time with God in prayer. The list could go on depending on your lifestyle.

The point is, to know which area you will be most likely attacked. Remember, THE DEVIL WILL NOT TEMPT US WITH SOMETHING WE DO NOT LIKE. HE WILL DEFINITELY OFFER WHAT WE SURELY LIKE. Will you be strong enough to stand your temptation? Let us empty ourselves that God may fill us up.


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