Just A Young Gun With A Quick Fuse

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So here is the fourth chapter guys. 

I'm the previous chapter I asked you for ship name suggestions and the ship names that won are: Nyder and Antalia.

I just wanted to add a little warning at the start of this chapter: there is going to be A LOT of swearing. Like more than usual. 

I also added a picture of Natalia's house above. In case anyone was wondering what it looks like.

Anyway, I hope you like this chapter.


Song: Thunder- Imagine Dragons

Natalia's POV:

"Hey, Natalia! You up for a James Bond movie marathon tonight?" Alyssa asked me. Alyssa and I had kind of like a ritual to watch all the James Bond movies at least once a month.

"Nah I have a match tonight. How about on Saturday? " I said to her.

"Sure." She said before getting on her bike.

School was over and all of us were heading home. I had to get home to warm up for my match. Today I had to fight against Kelly Martinez, the second best underground fighter, me being the best of course.

The rest of the girls had already left. Today seemed to be a busy day for everyone. Riley had a bike race and Nicky had a drug deal. We were a gang after all. The only thing we didn't do was murder. We didn't live as gangsters did. We just lived like normal people because we were normal people with a bad past. No one ever caught us was because all the police officers were bribed. We didn't bribe them. We didn't need to. It was the other gangs which needed to.

While driving home I stopped at a red light. I checked my phone and saw a couple of messages from Andre. He was still just as annoying. Honestly, he didn't leave alone throughout the entire day. The worst part is that the girls like him and so now he's a part of our group.

I ignored his messages and went home. I didn't tell him about what I did for a living. I didn't want him to become a part of it. The dark side can make the best of people go bad. I just told him the Abuela gave me a monthly allowance and that's all. It wasn't a complete lie but it wasn't the truth either. She used to give me an allowance before I turned eighteen.

I reached home and quickly changed into my workout attire which mainly consisted of a sports bra and shorts. I then made my way to the gym.


Halfway through my workout, I got a call. 

"Hey, Marco. What's up?" I picked up.

"Nothing much. I have a math test tomorrow and I got bored studying so decided to call you." A small smile played on my lips. He was a hundred percent, my brother because I hated math too.

"That's too bad. So how are Zoey and Alison? Are they going to school?." I asked him. Zoey and Alison were my two younger sisters. They were older than Marco but Zoey was fourteen years old while Alison was ten years old. Both of them were little annoying bitches. All three of them went to fancy private schools. It was my mom's dream for her children to study in the best school. After my grandpa kicked me out he stopped paying their school fees so that responsibility fell on me.

"Yeah they did." I could feel him rolling his eyes as he said that. I knew he didn't like them either.
"Lia, you do remember that we go out for our drive tomorrow, right?" He asked me. I could hear the excitement in his voice. Our weekly drives were something he loved. I couldn't just forget about them!  My eyes widened.  I had promised to take Andre out tomorrow. Oh shit.

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