Pretty Girls Don't Know The Things That I Know

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So here is the fifty eighth chapter or as I'd like to call it, the third last chapter.

Anyway, I hope you like it.


Song: Magnets- Disclosure ft. Lorde

Natalia's POV:

I played nervously with the hem of my skirt. I'm peretty surprised myself. Me wearing a skirt? But I had to since I just called my entire family to dinner which was something I regretted this very moment.

Ryder leaned against the wall, dressed up in a suit, perfectly calm. There wasn't even an inch of nervousness in his face. I was jealous of him. How could be be so collected?

"They won't believe me. Let's just call this dinner off." I blurted, unable to handle the anxiety any longer. Ryder shook his head.

"We're not doing that. Besides its too late anyway. They're probably almost here." He walked up to me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"What it they don't believe me?" I looked in his eyes.

"Your eyes always give you away. They'll know. And if they don't want to know, it's their loss." He kissed my forehead. He was right. I felt more confident about it. We were the only one's out on the rooftop. I decided to have the dinner at a fancy restaurant. If I was going to give them a shock it was better that I give it to them where they're comfortable.

"Natalia, Ryder. My favourite couple." Said Abuela, making the grand entrance she always makes. She pulled us into a none crushing hug.

"Abuela. Nice to see you could make it." I said.

"Oh we weren't going to miss this dinner for the world. Our dear granddaughter Natalia hosting a dinner? How could we miss it?" Abuelo said, making his way beside her. Him and I had a little staring competition. Little did her know tonight was the night everyone would get to see his many faces.

Everyone arrived shortly after Abuela and Abuelo. Everyone was busy in their own conversations. I decided to save my announcement for the first course.

Marco, Abuela, Alison and Ryder were the only one's I talked to. No one asked me why I hosted a dinner. What surprised me was that my mother also decided to come. She sat as far away from me as she could. She avoided my gaze and just looked down in her plate. Oh how times have changed. She sat with her head hung in shame while I sat with my head held high. It's like we switched places. Ryder didn't let go of my hand throughout the dinner.

By the time the first course was served, the gossiping had died down. Everyone was more focused on the food. It was time to tell them why they were here. I stood up.

"I know you must be wondering why I gathered all of you here today. Today is the day I tell you all something...." I started.

"Are you and Ryder getting engaged?" Abuela burst out. Ryder and I stared at her in horror. I heard someone choke and others cough.

"No Abuela we're not." I smiled politely at her. My cheeks were bright red and I could feel them burning. Her excited smile faltered just a little.

"As I was saying, I'm here to tell you something that I've kept a secret for almost four years now. I'm here to uncover a lie you've all been believing for years." I paused. Ryder reassuringly squeezed my hand.

"Before I tell you I just want to say I'm sorry. I'm sorry for hurting you with the truth and I'm sorry I couldn't tell you earlier. I know the truth hurts but it's the lies that kill you. I'm telling you the truth today not so that you can hate the person who lied to you, but just so that I can find peace in my life. This truth has such a burden on my shoulders, that it almost feels like I'm carrying a boulder."

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