Chapter One

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16 Years Later 

"Princess Amara. You have duties, responsibilities, and I'm worried that you do not fully understand what is expected of you. This is a very import- ARE YOU LISTENING PRINCESS?" His shrill voice shocked me sending me tumbling off the side of my bed.

I groan as my face connects with the hard wooden floors, my curly hair a complete and utter mess as it floated in front of my eyes, making my vision much worse. Not to mention the jarring hangover I was trying to breathe through.

I could barely remember what happened last night, not that I would particularly want to. 

"Please Larris! Did you have to scream so loud?" I hissed wrapping my arms around my head as the sun stabbed me repeatedly in the face.

"I didn't think you could hear me, Princess" he hissed sarcastically.

"Fucking dogs could hear you" I bit back.

He sighed like my complete existence was the hardest thing he'd ever had to endure. Little did he know I felt the exact same way. "Princesses should not speak in such a manner" he tsked.

"Princesses should not speak in such a manner" I mimicked.

"Princesses also should not begin to grinding and dance provocatively during a ball, or over indulge until inebriated, leading them to throw up on their guests" he hissed at me.

I snorted as the memories from last night reemerged. I did throw up on Prince Raflee's shoes, but only after kissing his hot Dad, King Tanner. 

I cackled loudly as the images of last night came flooding back.

King Tanner was a DILF, no doubt about it. "Oh my God, I grabbed the King Tanner's ass didn't I?" I laughed more, even though it hurt to breathe.

"Yes, now you can graciously add sexual assault to your long list of achievements, Princess" Larris snapped at me.

I slowly sat up, before wincing, my eyes finding my handler of 16 years standing tall and straight against the wall. His grey hair pushed perfectly out of his face, his hallow cheeks showing his sharp features even more. His face pulled tightly over his skin as annoyance flashed. He had looked the exact same when I had been brought here 16 years ago. His dark blue eyes still bright as they took in my pain. 

 "Well how much trouble am I in this time?" I asked hesitantly.

Then something truly terrifying happened, Larris gave me a pitying smile. One that had a small amount of pleasure for the pain that I was about to go through, and that's what scared me. 

Larris bathed in my pain, it was the sole reason he got out of bed in the morning. This little slave driver loved to see me cry and bleed. But now, me asking of my punishment and his clear unhappiness at the trouble I was in, could only mean one thing.

This punishment wouldn't be like the others. It would be so much worse, so much more heart breaking and painful, that even Larris felt bad for me.

Fucking Larris has no soul, so how could he feel bad for me?

I went into survival mode. "Run me a bath, and think of something I could say to Father that would express my remorse" I quickly stammered out as I struggled to stand.

Larris watched his eyes sad, "As you command, Princess" he bowed before turning away.

I stopped him, "How bad is it?" I asked nervously.

He didn't turn around, the old greying man who was stick skinny, with a knack for making me cry, didn't turn around to see the uncertainty on my face. "It is bad, Princess" he whispered before quickly walking away.

Princess AmaraWhere stories live. Discover now