Chapter Thirty-Nine

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"You know, when I not only volunteered to go above and beyond to help you assholes and break into an enemy camp, then save everyone's lives, I was not expecting this. Maybe some cheering, a fucking chant of my name, definitely some legends, but not this." I snapped annoyed, waving my chained wrists as high as they would go to the war council. 

I was plunked down into the dirt, heavy chains clamped tightly onto my wrists. 

Annoyed, extremely cautious, and slightly fearful, war council members stood in a huddled group, staring at me with straight distrust. 

Ulti stumbled out of a tent, before freezing at the sight of me chained, before her head slowly turned to the war council members. 

She cringed. 

Goddess, badass, who had dove into battle head first with little fear. 

She cringed. 

Which only meant that once Vikkan was done sending his secret message to the other Khans on the front line, this whole fucking war camp was going to go up in flames. 

"HEY! Let her go!" a deep voice called out from the group of soldiers that had been audience to watching me get tripped by a group of small man and then placed in cuffs. 

It was honestly embarrassing. 

I perked up, my eyes searching for the voice that had come to my defense. 

"Yeah! Khan Vikkan will tear us all apart!" another threw out. 

A solid point. 

"She saved Khan Vikkan, and she saved all of us! Why is she chained!" another screamed. 

And slowly but surely single voices rose into a violent mob, that was closing in on a group of short, old, and mean men. 

"She's a witch! A monster! She broke our sacred laws, what she did was impossible! She has to be put to death!" Griffith, dubbed the little bitch, screamed back at the crowd of men. 

Ulti growled, "and your first thought was to kill her, while we are in the middle of an all out war? Where the fuck is the key, Griffith, you need to release her now. If Vikkan sees this-" she started only for everyone to grow silent. 

I blinked stupidly around me. 

Vikkan? The man who had the ability to purr like a cat?

He still hadn't quite told me what made him so special. 

What caused all of them to freeze when he walked by, to watch him just a little too hard, why his name brought silence across a crowd. 

A serious growl ripped through the clearing. 

Fear etched across every face I could see. Bodies tensed, ready to run. And mother fucking Griffith went pale as shit. 

A small smile stretched across my face. 

Bodies scrambled to get out of the way, as the ground pounded with hard foot steps, the sky darkened. 


He was like a vengeful god, darkness swarming him as his eyes locked on mine. 

The ground shook. 

Fucking shook. 

"Fuck me" Ulti whispered, as she tried to side step behind my body. 

"Would someone like to explain why she is chained?" he snarled, never missing a step as he stepped before me, easily reaching down and ripping the chains right off my wrists. 

Thick steel chains cracked under his hands, before they gently lifted me back to my feet, his arms tugging me into his chest as he roared at those around us. 

My hand slowly rubbed up and down his back, trying to relax his muscles. 

"I'm fine."

"No you're mine! And disrespect will not be tolerated, Griffith" he snarled, his arms tightening more around my body. 

I almost wish my face wasn't pressed firmly into Vikkan's abs, so I could see Griffith shit himself in fear. 


I pulled away slightly, a small smile on my lips as I looked up at the handsome male before me, his face distorted into the maw of a lion. 

His eyes burning bright on his face, before he frowned down at me. 

"You'll catch wrinkles with that frown, dude" I snorted, watching in amazement as his face phased back to normal. 


He could shift, into a lion. 

"Holy-" he was beautiful, but suddenly he wasn't looking at me, but through me, past me, and to something else. 

His face twisted into another snarl, before he moved faster than I could comprehend. 

His hand snatched something out of the air, a breeze sending the curls of my hair blowing back fiercely. 

I blinked. 

Two inches from my forehead was a white arrow. 

Vikkan's hand tight around the base of it, only barely stopping it from embedding into my skull. 

I immediately began screaming. 

My reaction twenty seconds too slow, just as the glint of familiar white hair peaked from the corner of my eye. 

No fucking way. 

The scream died on my lips, as my mouth dropped open. 

"Amara, where the fuck are we!" Andrea screamed over at me, her head shaking in disbelief as she looked around in disbelief, Aria with a bright smile next to her. 

I shocked laugh slipped between my lips. 

My family. 


I AM SO SORRY!!!! You should all throw rocks at my face and stone me to death! I just had such a hard time getting back to writing, I have just been super anxious and every time I went to open up this chapter to finish it, ... I just couldn't. 

I'm coming back stronger than ever and will finish this book for you guys! 

Thank you for those of you who messaged me and checked on me, it seriously helped me keep going with this story. I LOVE YOU GUYS!

This chapter sucked but I had to chug through it so I could make you guys piss yourself laughing next time! 


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