Chapter Thirteen

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I blinked at him for the millionth time in the last five minutes. 

"You understand?" he nodded slowly towards me, even though I was just staring blankly back at him. 

He might as well have grown twenty heads. 

I sucked my teeth slightly, "you want me, to go into the bar and lure a solider out?" I asked as he nodded again, his eyes constantly scanning our surroundings. "With what? My arrest warrant?" I snapped back at him. 

He sighed deeply. 

"You will not tell him your identity" he stated like it was as easy as breathing. 

I blinked again. 

"A solider. As in a man who works directly for my family, the King, my Father, the one who has lost his shit and demanded I be killed? And in what world do you honestly think that I will be able to get a solider to one, not recognize me, and two, follow me into some dark forest. No one is that stupid anymore" I sighed desperately. 

He and I had been going back and forth for the past twenty minutes as he tried to get me to lure some solider out towards him, where he would then extract some 'vital' information from the man that would 'assist' us in our journey. 

If you are currently thinking to yourself, 'what the fuck?' 

Join the crew, because thats exactly what I said when he pressed his little plan into my hands. 

Best part. 

I am suppose to be the one to get some solider out here. 

And not a stupid looking one, or a drunk one, or hell even a lowly scrawny one that I had a small chance of beating up. 


He wanted me to somehow draw out a Header. 

A Header is the leader of a Bank.

A Bank is the whole group of 15 more more men that a Header controls. 

And the Bank controls all soldiers. 

So the Header was the elite, of the elite. 

So pretty much, this large handsome son of a bitch was trying to get me killed. 

Sure I had a winning personality and was maybe on the bit scheming side, but to actually fool a Header?

I was pretty sure I was going to die. 

"I believe in you" he stated calmly, as if my palms were not already sweating. 

I blinked again, "I believe I am going to be killed. Violently" I replied back. 

He sighed, "all you have to do is get to the Header. Lead him out to the woods" he looked down at me calmly, with that perpetual calm and kept together face that he always seemed to have placed on his face. 

"Again. What in the hell do you think I can do? Seduce him?" I asked baffled. 

He sighed deeply, that calm facade of his cracking slightly, "I would prefer it if you didn't, all you need to do is lure him out here" he finished sternly. 

I would have to dissect that small little sentence at a later date when I was currently not sweating horribly under my armpits, and I could squeal in private with no one watching or judging me. 

I danced from foot to foot, trying not to stomp and start full on screeching in despair in front of the man who looked like he had been dipped in sex. 

"I really prefer not to do this, like really really really don't want to, why can't you do it again?" I asked my eyes scanning the tree line that would immediately put me into the village, where dead center the pub would be, where no doubt soldiers were getting drunk. 

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