LHBS - "too good"

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Luke Hemmings Birthday Special | Kai

"Seriously? You didn't think I needed to know this?" I yell, attempting to pull on a pair of jeans,

Finley is fully dressed and is now putting make up on, getting ready for Luke's birthday which I had no idea about until ten minutes ago, my clothes are thrown about the room and as I scramble about to find clothes I make a mental note to clean it all up later.

I see his flannel on the floor and decide to throw it on because I can't be bothered to search through for another shirt, I see Finley smirk out of the corner of my eye and shake my head with a smile.

"We have to leave in ten otherwise we'll miss the surprise." She tells me and I nod before looking back at her,

"Surprise?" I ask confused, since I'd only really been told twenty minutes ago that I'd actually be attending a party thrown for Luke,

"Yup, the boys apparently have this big surprise for Luke, but honestly it's probably just light up socks." She admits, I laugh slightly knowing that she's right,

I pull on a pair of white converse just as Finley finishes her make up, she pulls her phone out and gasps.

"Shįt, come on Kai we're gonna be late." She tells me, giving me no choice but to follow her as she drags me along by the collar of the flannel out the door,

"Finley I can't go there like this." I whine causing her to stop and look back at me,

She looks my up and down, grimacing slightly and I panic.

"You look fine, apart from the black under your eyes." She says honestly and I groan causing her to laugh at my childish behaviour, "Don't worry you can wash your face when we get there, it's in Ashton's dorm anyway."

I become a little more calm about the whole situation knowing that I can actually finish getting ready, though I'm not sure I can actually do any makeup.

She drags me through the lounge and out the doors to her car, she opens the door and only there she lets me go. I climb in as does she and she starts the car, I sit quietly just wondering and thinking, a deadly thing to do if you ask me.

She drives down some streets I'm sure I've never seen before and I become certain that we aren't going to Ashton's dorm.

"Where are we going?" I ask, turning around to face her as she just tilts her head slightly,

Her face lights up as through she's just realised something, "We're picking Michael up, then Calum."

I'm confused again, why?

It seems as though she knows that I'm thinking because she looks at me again and sighs.

"They were bored and decided to take a leisurely stroll into town." She tries to reason, her lips close shut tightly as as she looks back towards the road,

I can tell she is lying by the way her fingers begin to tap nervously against the wheel and the way she brings her lip between her teeth, I purse my lips and she breaks instantly dropping her head to look at her lap.

"Fine." She sighs in defeat, "They forgot so they had to catch a bus into town to get him a present." She says before looking back up at the road, I smile triumphantly, clapping my hands quietly to myself,

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