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Warning this story is strictly for people who can catch what I'm about  to throw. This is my first time writing a LGBTQ+ story. I support LGBT in more ways then 1. If you have a problem then this story isn't for you.

Now remember this before you get to the actual story. If you have anything mean to say I overpower you since this is my story. I could always delete your comment with the flick of my wrist.

With that being said enjoy.


"Listen Jelaya. I am trusting you not to tell anybody. What I am about to tell you is so goddamn important to me."I said to my friend Jelaya.

"Okay boo you can trust me now spill"She said completely ignoring what I just said.

"I don't know if I could tell you this. It seems like you don't give a damn"I said scratching my curly locks of hair that fall to my butt if straightened.

"Wow so you don't trust your best friend real low Moni!"She said turning her back to me.

"No...I trust you"I said grabbing her shoulders and turning her back to face me.

"Then tell me your secret!"she snaps flipping her freshly sewn blue weave.

"Okay..."My heart thumped "I'm a boy. I'm intersexual"

You know what she did? She hugged me.

"I won't tell a single soul!"she squealed before skipping off into the other direction.

A couple days later

I walked to school and people were laughing at me and calling me names.

"Hey Faggot ass bitch! Your disgusting and you have a disease. Why does this dirty as bitch have a Vagina nigga like where is your dick at! This bitch an Alien "Jelaya called out from the popular section.

I ran to her and pulled her by her tracks. "You fucking bitch! I trusted you with something so fucking important and you dished it out! I thought we were friends."I said kicking her in the face.

She started grabbing my hair and punching me. Then I felt somebody pulling me off Jelaya.

A lot of people started punching me. I was jumped. Bitch knew I could fight so she called an army in this bitch?

I didn't care I started throwing punches everywhere. And I pulled a few strands of weave out them hoes hair too.

She ruined me. Now I got issues.

Trust Issues

Trust Issues BXB Where stories live. Discover now