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-30 minutes ago-

I didn't know who was here. A classic pink Mercedes pulled up to the garage.

I was about to pull out my gun. But someone unexpectedly fell out the car.

"Cameo nigga' some chic is shot she out there!"I said.

Cameo got up and ran outside and carried the girl back in.

"Kenny what happened to you?"Rora said as she came out of the office jogging to Kenny

"Zolan got' Monte yo' that ashy high pitched nigga shot me. Twice. He a dick hole. He got Monte somewhere in his house."She said.

"What?!"Aurora said grabbing a gun.

"I oughta snipe this pussy!"She yelled causing Cameo to shoot up.

"Your not sniping no one. Cause you staying yo' ass here!"He fired back.

"Nah it's gettin' boring without Monte! And he kidnapped him for rejecting his ass. Imma gladly snap Zolans neck! And you ain't stoppin' me. So now what bitch!"Aurora spat causing Cameo to frown sadly.

"Babe I'll be okay"She said kissing him on the cheek.

"I'm going with you"I growled out.

"Me too nigga' I ain't leaving my little shrub"Cameo said before planting a kiss on Auroras lips.

"Okay but first call Amir he needs to take care of Kenny before she bleeds out."Aurora ordered.


I sped down the road dodging cars and getting on the wrong lanes. "Supreme slow down"Cameo ordered.

"No!"I snapped back as I sped up.

"Why are you going so fast?!"Aurora asked.

"To get Monte and kill that nigga!"I answered not taking my eyes off the road as I held tightly on to the steering wheel.

Aurora held tightly on her seatbelt as Cameo just started recording a snap chat video.

We made it.

I angrily banged on the door as Aurora pointed her gun directly at the door along with Cameo.

"Who is it?"Zolan sang on the other side of the door.

"It's us!"I shouted out angrily.

I heard footsteps. But he wasn't opening the door. I raised my foot and kicked the door.

Once. Twice. I kicked it harder causing the lock to break down the door.

Zolan froze as he held a knife in his hand along with a gun.

"Where the hell is he?!"Aurora gritted as she cocked her gun.

"You're not taking him away from me!"He screeched.

"He wasn't yours in the first place!"Aurora argued back.

Zolan is one crazy ass nigga.

"Well he's mine now!"Zolan fired back.

They went back and forth.

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