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"What?!"I shot off the couch. Not computing on what I was hearing. "You mean to tell me Monte is missing?"

His mother nodded sadly. "And you're just sitting on your ass not looking for him!"I shouted.

"Layney if you don't shut it I'mma beat your ass. Now sit down and relax!"Mama fired back

"Okay I'm sorry"I immediately froze and sat down.

"How long has he been missing?"I calmed down a little.

"4 days!"She sobs. "He owes me nutella and 3 hugs"She said tears flying down her face.

I love his mama so much. Me and Monte both equally hate seeing her sad.

"Where's Mr.Zerimar?"I asked.

"He's been looking for him everywhere"She said.

I nod.

"All I'm asking is for you to help out as well"She clasped her hands together as she pleaded.

"I was gonna look anyway"I smiled at her in reassurance.


I knocked for the fifth time. Nothing.

I was standing outside Zos house banging on the door.

Finally after about 5 minutes I heard the door unlock. Zolan appeared. His whole face lit up.

"Layney!"He cheered as he hugged me tightly.

I returned the hug.

"Hey Zozo"I said as he pulled me in closing the door.

"I missed you so much"He smiled.

"Me too. I came over here to tell you something"I sad cutting to the chase.

"What's up?"He said sitting down.

"Monte's has had an unexpected disappearance"I said to her causing him to look worried.

"Oh my god what the hell? How'd this happen!"He panicked.

"We don't know. We need all the help we can get."I said. "Can you help us please"I said as I pleaded.

"Okay I'm gon' help. I swear I'll look everywhere even if it cost me my life"He said.


It happened so quick. My eyes went blurry as I fell to the ground.

"Nobody is getting in the way of what me and Monte have"He said codly before shooting me once more.

He walked off. I bled as I crawled to the door. Everything looked fuzzy as I felt around for the door knob.

Once I got a hold of it I opened it and crawled to my car. Getting up slowly I got in.

I have to tell someone.


Zolans POV

She ain't getting in the way of true love. Never will she ever get in the way. I went in the back to get a body bag. I was gonna  barry her alive. Make her death suffocating.

When I walked out she was gone?!

Shit! shit!

I should've just stabbed her ass.

It's okay they though she won't get to tell anyone anyways. She's gonna die in about a good 10 minutes. It takes thirty to get over here.

This is what I was planning. When everyone that cares about him is dead, I'll have him all to myself.

I marched back up the stairs where Monte was still tied up. "Hey baby"I smiled at him.

"I'm not your baby"He said.

"Lover in denial"I said still not believing that he doesn't like me.

"You can't force somebody to love you crazy ass bitch"He spat at me.

"Your right I'm sorry....Your in denial baby. It's okay I know you don't mean what you're saying"I said ruffling his curls.

"Ow the hell?"I felt a sharp pain on my wrist.

I examined to find a bite mark.

I smacked him hard on the face.

"Don't fucking bite me!"I snapped my eyes watering a bit. "I can't believe you bit me."

Bang Bang Bang

I walked down the stairs covering the bite mark as I called out.

"Who is it?"I called out plastering a fake smile.

"It's us!"Supreme called out angrily.


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