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"What the hell?"I questioned.

Aurora had tears rolling down her cheeks as she held Kenny as blood soaked up her shirt.

"I-I didn't mean too"Aurora wails.

"What did you do?!"I spat out.

"S-S-She was talking about taking Cameo away from me! She said all she'd have to do was put a bullet through my skull and he'll forget about me! She reached for her gun and smirked evilly at me and I just blanked out and stabbed her!"She explained her eyes were blood shot red.

I was shocked. Kenny always talked about wanting Cameo. Never about killing Aurora. Honestly I was pissed off with Kenny. For one Aurora is Cameos love. If she died he would think it was his fault and kill himself. Two Kenny would've been hunt down by Cameos whole crew. Three that's just fucking low. Even for her. She's known for being evil at times. But never this much.

I had resisted the erge to kick the shit out of Kenny's unconscious body. I sighed heavily.

"Where's Cameo?"I questioned.

"H-H-He went to get me ice cream!"She wailed.

"Okay hun"I walked over to Aurora and picked her up off the ground. "Go clean yourself up Rora! How about I make you a snack?"I smiled trying to get her to come down.

"O-Okay"she said before walking back to Cameo and her bedroom.

I went into the kitchen glaring at Kenny. I grabbed some brownies sniffing it making sure it was weed.

She needs to calm down. I grabbed four and sprayed some whip cream that I had found in the fridge.

I went back into the hangout area and placed her snack on the table.

Before grabbing a black coat and covering myself with it. I need to wrap up her wound before she bleeds out. Not only that I need to beat the shit out of her when she wakes up.

I didn't even be generous. I dragged her to the at home infirmary. I lunged her on one of the beds.

She needs stitches. I wasn't a good nurse but I did what I could. Wrapping up the stitched up wound I walked out
to see Rora hopping around shoving each brownie in her mouth.

"Burpyyyyy when did you get here?"She cheers out.

I laugh as I take off the blood coverd coat and dumped it in the trash.

"Wanna go to the mall?"I asked.

"Yeah I want to go to the ALCOHOL!"She said pumping her fist in the air and grabbed her mini bookbag.

"Come on then I'll text Cameo and let him know where we are!"I said as I grabbed her hand and took her to my car.

Grabbing the garage key that she owned and pressed the button causing it to close and lock.

I unlocked my car and put Aurora in and buckled her up. "THERE'S A FUCKING SNAKE ON MY BODY!"She screamed struggling to pull it off.

"Aurora it's a seatbelt"I explained.

Maybe I gave her to many brownies.

"Ohh"She smiled. She is so ditsy. I love this girl.

I closed the her door and went to my side and started the car and sped off to the mall.


"MONTE I WANT TO GO IN THERE!"Aurora screamed in my ear causing me to wince.
"Okay!"I shouted back at her causing her to pout and her eyes to turn glassy.

"I'm s-sorry Burpy don't please don't be mad!"She wailed tears flying down her face once again.

"I'm not"I sighed as I dragged her into the store she wanted to go in.

"Look at all the accessories!"She said shaking me.

She picked up a whole bunch of EOS and Baby balm chapsticks and put them in her bucket. Then she grabbed a box. It was Pink Pumas with the bow show laces. I think they were called Puma Suedes.

I left her alone as I started shopping around. I grabbed stuff that I found myself taken a liking to.

When I was finish I went around the store to search for Aurora.

She isn't hard to miss. She was now in the Unicorn section. Which I know didn't existed to be honest.

She practically grabbed everything that contained rainbows.

I had managed to finally drag her out the mall. She still protested as I put our stuff in the back and drive back to the garage.

I had completely forgotten about Sean.

Maybe I should start dating. That might help as well.

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