Forty Two

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I kept my head down hearing the bastard talk to his partner. "Aye! Some people here!" I looked up with hopeful eyes. I couldn't wait to see Cameo. I couldn't wait to hold him, I couldn't wait to succumb to his warmth. I missed him so much.

"Let's go then nigga the fuck?!" my eyes widened. It couldn't have been Cameo, 'there's no way' I thought to myself. I've been here for a while, I gave up on keeping up with the days I've been here.

I knew Cameo wouldn't leave me for dead but I couldn't help but feel that ways as the days went by. Cameo was a big shot , he could have anyone he wanted truth be told; Settling down with a drunk pothead wasn't really ideal. I knew he loved me, but I never thought that he loved me more than I ever loved him.

Our connection was strong; I saved him, he saved me, multiple times; But I know there's only so much saving one can do before they simply can't anymore.

"Hey girl!" The guard watching over me called out.

I didn't respond, even if Cameron didn't care to save me , I would want him to know deep down that I stood my ground. Ten toes, no matter how weak and frail I appeared at times, no matter how dumb and gone I seemed. I wanted him to know that I was worth saving.

The guard banged on the cage that they put me in. It was a small compact cage, something that a dog would fit in. I guess they don't want their captives comfortable. I laughed to myself , I always thought I was some sort of comedian.

The guard didn't find it as funny though; He responded to my laughter by delivering a heavy kick to the cage tipping it over to its side. My head crashed against the gridded metal and I simply gritted my teeth holding in any yelps and screams.

"Okay Tough girl" The guard said aggressively kicking the cage over and over again. Despite the agonizing kicks being delivered knocking me around it humored me. He looked as if he was throwing a tantrum and I allowed that to distract me.

What the fuck.


"Cameron, this is your 3 altercation this week" Ms.Ellis the vice principal spoke to me. The idiot had he'd got what he deserved. Well truthfully I didn't know what exactly it was he deserved. I just needed to knock the nigga out.

"Yeah, yeah I don't give a fuck bitch" I snapped at her shoving my hands in my pocket sinking into my hoodie and then into the chair. Wishing I could disappear.

I hated being in this office. I hated being in this school. She looked taken back, rightfully so. How couldn't she, I didn't give a fuck.

Ellis pulled out her ruler and I already knew what time it was. The two security guard stood in front of the door, they knew I always put up a fight.

I was notorious for being a little shit at the boarding school my dad sent me too. Well it wasn't much of a boarding school ,  cause of my shit behavior he sent me here to be "straightened out" I was 13 years old at the time.

After I was sent away I hadn't heard from him til summer; When it was time for me to come back. Not only were the sick fuckers at that hell of school beating the fuck out of their students, and working us to death.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20 ⏰

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