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I slept in the day after even though I couldn't help but think I was overreacting. I've had crushes before but none of them made me sad like Sean did.

I cracked open a window and smoked my fifth cigarette today. My feet dangled from the ledge of my window as the smoke blew past my chapped lips.

Why was I so hung up on a ain't shit nigga? He wasn't shit he wasn't anything! Just another boy I didn't fuck with but why now? Why did I have to like him. Fall for his smile and his remarks. And his efforts to talk to me?

I'm such an idiot. I'm such a fucking dumb ass for liking him. I put out my cigarette and took my feet out of the window before shutting it closed and locking it back.


I looked at my phone and checked the notification it was aurora.

Where have ya been bitch?


Get ova here I'm bored burpy

Not my problem

I switched my phone off even though I heard another ding indicating that she replied to me. I didn't really give a shit about what she wanted right now. I yawned and glanced over at Levi who was rolling around and circles and yipped at nothing in particularly.

I shoved my pack of cigarettes in the same drawer where my money was hidden and sat on the floor as Levi yipped at me and tried hopping into my lap which I quickly denied with a shoved to his snout causing him to fall.

I didn't mean to do that. I heard him whimper and whine as he dove under my bed and hid under there still sulking that I actually hit him for he first time.

I was just so fucked up. Right now I didn't know if I was sad or angry with Sean or angry with myself even. I just need to stop thinking about him and try and hang out with some friends. But the only friend I really have is Aurora all them other bitches are fake as shit.

"Monte"My mom opened the door and scrunches up her nose a plate of food in her hands for me . "Was you smoking in here again? Listen Monte I know you're sad and all of that but no smoking in this house it's clearly obvious yo ass  tried opening a window but I can still smell that stink. Get you a house if you gonna keep on with that smoking shit" She rambled on even though I was ignoring her completely. I was gonna move out soon but not now. After that she place down my plate of food right next to me before walking out of my room.

I glanced down at the Cajun chicken and shrimp pasta that was made and grabbed my fork as I took the first bite and realized how hungry I actually was. Levi came from under my bed staring at me with his puppy eyes and I gave him a piece of the chicken before eating the rest of my meal.

I was so hungry that I went down for another plate and then another plate. I felt greedy and fat. But I was hungry. I greedily licked my fork before putting in the sink. Kind of pouting that I ate the rest of the food and didn't have more left to eat sadly.

And that's what my week resolved in chilling in my room and then eating good food my mom made.

Tonight instead of my mom being in my room with a plate of food. Sean was there. I nearly choked as I put my video game controller down. Why was he here? Did he find out? So many thoughts were running through my mind as I pushed my urges to start cursing him out. Knowing that would also be a dead give away.

"Hey Monte...Is something wron—"

I cut him off with a quick No "Why would something be wrong" I asked.

"Because it's been a week and you didn't even show up to the garage once. Something has to be wrong"

"Nothing is wrong!"I retorted harshly.

"Something is wrong the fuck! You usually come around all the time so why the fuck are you being distant now?"Sean said. "I don't know what the fuck is wrong with you but get your head out of your ass! Whatever your mad about is probably something stupid as shit. Quit being a pussy ass nigga and tell!"

A smack ranged through the air and my hand tingled. His head was turned to the side. Sean never yelled at me like that. We were cool. We were friends he wouldn't ever say shit like that. He even saved me...

He looked at me and his eyes held rage. My hand print still struck across his face. He was really about to beat my ass in my own home. And for the first time in a real long while I was scared as hell. He shoved me down on the floor and pinned me down looking deep into my brown eyes. As I struggled against him.

Where the hell was Levi at?

"Keep ya fucking hands to yourself"He angrily said to me.

And my underwear was soaked.

And that is that folks two chapters in one day you're welcome! So Um

Supreme being a little douche bag and yelling at Monte like that.

And Uh

Monte smacking supreme like that. Wow

This never happened let's see what happens next

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