Twenty One

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Why  was I turned on by this? I cowered back uncomfortably as he got up and rubbed his face. "I just wanted to know what was wrong and ya ass just has an attitude"

I huffed as I glared at the him. If only you knew you were what was wrong!

Sean looked at me "How the fuck am I what's wrong?"He asked me and My eyes widened.

"Monte how am I what's wrong?"He asked again as I stared at my feet. I never stared at my feet.

I never got nervous over any nigga. I've been fine talking to guys. "Just leave"I said harshly.

My underwear was still soaked with that 'lubricant' And considering I was wearing shorts I have a feeling sooner or sooner some is gonna start dripping down my thigh and that won't be good.

"No tell me why I'm the problem"He retorted back. His harsh gaze was on me and that made my little area clench a little bit.

"Please just fucking leave before I call the police!"I snapped back as I yanked my phone from the charger and wiggled it in his face.

Sean rolled his eyes and snatched my phone from me with ease. "You ain't gon get this back until you tell me what's wrong"He said as he walked out the room.

I followed him down stairs as he opened the door I grabbed his wrist causing him to turn around. The handprint was still evident on his face. Although because of his dark skin it wasn't that visible.

"Give me my phone back"I said to him looking anywhere but his eyes.

"You heard what I said Monte if you ain't gon tell why I'm what's wrong you're not gonna get this back"He said before waking out the house and getting in his car driving off.

I just sat there and watched him go away. Before I closed the door behind me and locked it and then I went upstairs. I took off my shorts and my underwear that was basically destroyed I threw them in the trash.

I made a stank to myself before grabbing a new pair of underwear which were lace. I didn't recall getting it but I grabbed it from the pack and grabbed a pair of pants. I'm taking a fucking shower.

I sat there bored. Sean took my phone and I had nothing to do. After awhile playing video games got boring and so did browsing on my laptop. I just sat there staring at my ceiling.

I huffed as I got up and yanked my pants up off the floor and struggled to get them on before throwing on a shirt. It hasn't even been a whole three but I was about to get my phone.

I threw on my huaraches and grabbed my car keys and drove to his house.

. . . . .

I entered the quiet empty house. It was pretty late so I have feeling he was probably sleep. I walked up the stairs of his massive home and opened the first door I saw which was of course Sean's room.

I entered the room and I saw two bodies lying together and closed my eyes trying to prevent myself from letting out a weak whimper and dragging whoever that was out of his bed. I rummaged around in his night stand looking for my phone. But unfortunately I didn't find it.

Instead my stupid ass knocked something over and it fell creating aloud echo around the room. I heard a groan as a shadow showed someone moving to turn the light on. I quickly ducked and hid under the bed trying to be as quiet as I could. The lights flickered on.

"The fuck was that?"I heard a ladies voice it sounded very familiar.

I could see Sean's tatted arm reach in the bottom drawer and grabbing his gun. "I don't know Melahni I'm gonna go check the house"

That name ranged through my head. He was fucking my sister too?! I couldn't help but feel betrayed. Even though she didn't know it felt like she did it to get under my skin to show that I could never get him.

"Alright"I saw her feet and I know those nails. The baby pink nail polish she got on her toes all the time. Sean  left the room and Melahni spoke.

"Monte you can come out now"She said and I rolled from under the bed.

"How did you know I was here?"I asked quietly.

"Because I'm ya sister I know what your shoes look like."She replied. "What the fuck are you even doin here"She sighed not amused.

"He took my phone and I wanted it back...Why are you here?"I asked. It was obvious why she was here she had one of his shirts on and her underwear was by the side of my foot which I scooter away from.

She thrusted the air "What do you think?" I let out a shaky breath. And she came to a realization. My face of hurt. "Please don't tell me I fucked my little brothers crush"She said

I nodded "It doesn't even matter honestly"I lied

It does

"Like it doesn't bother me at all not like I was going to tell him"I said.

Lie lie lie

"I'll make it up to you Monte."

I just nodded before leaving quietly and without my phone.

I just nodded before leaving quietly and without my phone

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Melahni Montes sister

Mmhmm Yeah this is a bumpy ride

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