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"What?!"I shot off the couch not computing what Cameo was telling me.

"You mean to tell me Sean is poof gone? He was just here! How is that even possible?!"I question as I run my fingers in my hair.

Levi was playing with Neptune and Aurora in the other room while me and Cameo discussed where the fuck Sean was.

"Yeah he gone. I don't know where the hell he is my damn self. But I know for sure he ain't kidnapped."Cameo said.

"Okay well if you catch him tell him I want to see him"I said before grabbing Levi and my bag storming out of the garage marching straight home.


I was frustrated. How could he just dissapear off the face of the Earth like that?! I shouldn't be freaking out like this!

I grabbed my phone and searched for his contact.

Sean! Where are you?!

I texted. After five minutes of looking at my phone waiting for a response I went downstairs.

I went into the kitchen and went into the freezer and grabbed a container of Cookies and creme ice cream. Placing that on the island I grabbed nutella, marshmallows, and whip cream. I made me an ice cream treat.

I went into the living room and started watching reruns of Rick and Morty.

"Hey Monte?"Somebody shook me causing me to open my eyes. It was Mama.

"Babe if your tired go to your room"Mama said as she picked up my bowl. I nodded and got up.

I guess I fell asleep as I stressed about Sean. I sulked as I walked upstairs.

I checked my phone again. Nothing. Sean was gone and I had no idea what to do.

I sat down on my bed now not being able to return to sleep. So I just grabbed an old tennis ball and started tossing it.

Levi was sleep so he didn't actually want to play. I should just chill out. Maybe I'll ask Aurora and Kenny to hang out tomorrow.

I thought about the idea before actually becoming tired. I put the tennis ball down and layed down.


I woke up to rays of sunshine shining through my window. I groaned in exhaustion.

The not seemed long. I tossed and turned still thinking about Sean and how he just came out missing.

It just doesn't make any sense.

I tossed the covers over my head and remained sleep.

"MONTE GET YOUR ASS UP!"My mama shouted causing me to get tangled in my covers and fall on my hip.

"Ow"I whine a little as I start to untangle myself.

"Yeah Mama?"I say staring at her feet.

"Can you go to the Starbucks for me?"She said as she bent down to my level shooting me a pleasing smile.

I groan out in annoyance.

"No"I said.

She pouted. "Aww okay well go enjoy your day. Sack" My dad just so happen to be upstairs for him to say "BALL SACK"he called out causing my mom to chuckle. "Give me them today"Mama smirks as she stood up a little straighter and walks towards their bedroom.


I rolled my eyes and went across the hall to the bathroom. I drew back the shower curtain and grabbed the handle that produces hot water and turned it to the right. I stuck my hand in to the water and drawed it back hissing at the temperature of the water.

"Bloody fuckin hell!"I said as I turned the cold water to the left.

I felt the water it was steamy just the way I enjoy it. Not to hot not to cold.

I undressed myself and hopped in the shower closing the shower curtain and pulled the contraption that allowed water to flow through the shower head.

I closed my eyes as the water made contact with the rest of my body. Grabbing my rag and coconut soap and started to wash my body thoroughly.


I had opened my small closet and started looking through the clothes. I grabbed a tank top and a sweater to go with the jeans I had already picked out.

I had got dressed and carried my chosen shoes downstairs and slipped them on before grabbing my keys of the rack along with my car keys and walks out the door.

I hopped in my car and revved up the engine. I made my way to the garage.

Making it to the garage I had normally walked in.

I froze in shock.

What The Actual Fuck?!!!!

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