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Three updates?! In one day?! Also my sister's birthday is tomorrow she's turning 14 so go show her some love QueenOfDicks


"Aye what's up Supreme"Lupito thick Mexican accent filled the room.

"Don't what's up me let's get down to business."Sean said firmly.

"Okay! Okay!"He said.

I didn't face Lupito at all. My eyes were focused on Jelaya. She wasn't paying attention to me but I was watching her like a hawk.

"Okay so I have six sets o-"Supreme shot Lupito right in between his forehead.

All of his comrades started shooting.

We weren't even in here for five minutes and Sean already started shooting.

I ran behind a gun box. And started shooting everywhere. I hit a couple people. Sean was just firing bullets. People falling down one by one as more gaurds came in.

I shot a guard right in the neck causing him to fall over choking as blood filled his mouth.

"Argh!"Sean grunted out in pain as he was shot right in the arm causing him to drop his gun.

The only person that wasn't dead was Jelaya. That was good. Cause this ass whooping she's about to receive is personal.

I bolted at her as shots were fired my way. I slid into the floor as a bullet went straight through my side.

I collided with her when I slid on the floor though.

I got on top of her and started punching her. She grunted and screamed everytime I punched her in the face. I had sat on her arms so she was a lot more vulnerable. She wasn't able to punch or hit me back.

I kept punching her my grunts and her screams were heard throughout the building. Adrenaline was just coursing through my vains just like when I first got here. I didn't feel any pain at all. I just know this is gonna bite me in the ass tomorrow.

Grabbing the gun I hit her with it repeatedly before shooting her in the stomach blood splattering everywhere.

She was still alive and screaming blood murder.

"I trusted you with something so important to me and you just fucking shitted on it. You jumped me everyday with your fucking crew. Called me names, started rumours. Well guess what?"I paused smiling at her.

"What?"She said coughing up blood.

"Karma's a bitch"I said before shooting her in the head.


"Come on Sean we got to get you down to the Garage infirmary"I said as I helped get Sean into the truck.

We literally raided that place till it was empty. Me and Sean both for our share of about 300,000 dollars, we packed the guns and drugs for Cameo.

Getting in the driver seat I started the car.

I started up the truck and sped down the road.

I need my side to be patched up for real for real and Sean need to be patched up before he croak.

When we made it to the garage I legit dragged Seans heavy ass out the car and into the hangout.

"Cameo baeeee!!!!"Aurora said yelling for Cameo.

"So your not high huh?"I said.

"Nope. Cameo said I need to lay off being high and drunk before I croak"Aurora said smiling at me.

Cameo walked out of one of the rooms.

"Oh shit!"Cameo said before yanking his cell phone out his pocket.

"Amir get Zo we got to males with bullet wounds"He said in panic.

"Aight but hurry up though"Cameo said.

Cameo got Sean from me and layed him on one of the couches before telling me to go wait in the infirmary out room.

I know the garage is so fucking huge.

I layed on the bed carefully. Wincing at my side.

I just closed my eyes and went to sleep.

I just know my mama gonna say something to me tomorrow.


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